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fadanelli Romano. Конфуций. Серия: ЖЗЛ. М. Молодая гвардия. 1992г. 335с. Твердый переплет, обычный формат.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - exbooks, Москва.) Цена: 300 руб. Купить
Первый в отечественной литературе очерк жизни и мировоззрения китайского мудреца Конфуция (551 - 479 г. до н.э.), снискавшего в Китае славу * Учителя Десяти тысяч поколений*. Автор стремится раскрыть секрет необыкновенной жизненности его наследия, показыв
Состояние: отличное.

Frawley David (Фроули Дэвид). Beyond the Mind. USA. Passage Press. 1992г. 174 с. Мягкий переплет, обычный формат.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - exbooks, Москва.) Цена: 700 руб. Купить
Состояние: отличное.

Frawley David (Фроули Дэвид). From the River of Heaven: Hindu and Vedic Knowledge for the Modern Age. USA. Passage Press. 1990г. 180 с. Мягкий переплет, обычный формат.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - exbooks, Москва.) Цена: 700 руб. Купить
Состояние: очень хорошее.

Frawley David (Фроули Дэвид). Gods, Sages and Kings. USA. Lotus Press. 1991г. 396 с. Мягкий переплет, обычный формат.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - exbooks, Москва.) Цена: 900 руб. Купить
Состояние: хорошее.

Frawley David (Фроули Дэвид). The Creative Vision of the Early Upanishads. Madras, India. 1982г. 388 с. Мягкий ламинированный переплет, немног увеличенный формат.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - exbooks, Москва.) Цена: 1200 руб. Купить
The following book is meant as a radical departure from the general stream of literature on the Upanishads. Its concern is with the older, more symbolic and neglected portions of them, aiming at their original poetic and creative vision. It is a movement towards a new re-evaluation of the Upanishads in light of the earlier Veda and its vast and creative spiritual vision, as directed to a new, free and creative spiritual age for mankind that is struggling to emerge now. It is not to put the intellectual burden of ancient teachings upon anyone but to give us a sense of the creative freedom at their roots that we might discover it for ourselves and in our own lives for the spiritual renewal of our own culture. It is to point us back to that sunlight of direct perception, the unconditioned Life, the creative Reality of the Brahman. In that it is not the worship of the past but the revelation of the spiritual truth at the heart of all life, at the heart of our own life and perception…
Состояние: очень хорошее.

Frawley David (Фроули Дэвид). Wisdom of the Ancient Seers: Mantras of the Rig Veda. USA. Passage Press. 1992г. 280 с. Мягкий переплет, обычный формат.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - exbooks, Москва.) Цена: 750 руб. Купить
Состояние: очень хорошее.

Gannon Sharon, Life David. Jivamukti Yoga. Random House USA 2002г. 300 с. Обложка, Увеличенный формат.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - ShakeTheSnow, Екатеринбург.) Цена: 500 руб. Купить
На английском языке. The long-awaited, complete guide to the popular, vigorous American method of yoga that is deeply rooted in ancient wisdom and scriptures
Состояние: Хорошее, повреждения обложки, подчеркивания карандашом

Gobineau (Гобино), comte de. Les religions et les philosophies dans lasie centrale. Tome second Paris 1923г. 340 c. Мягкий, суперобложка., Обычный формат.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - antiqsar, Саратов.) Цена: 450 руб. Купить
Состояние: Хорошее, надрывы, потери суперобложки.
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Hatcher W. / Хэтчер В. Logic and Logos: Essays on Science, Religion and Philosophy / Логика и логотипы: очерки науки, религии и философии. Oxford GR George Ronald 1990г. 148с., Полукартон переплет, обычный формат. (ISBN: 5-244-00457-3 / 5244004573)
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Tandem, Санкт-Петербург.) Цена: 500 руб. Купить
Покойный доктор Уильям Хэтчер был известен как опытный математик, логик и философ, а также как один из выдающихся ученых-бахаи в мире. Для тех, кто знал его, он был также по-дружески доступным, поддерживающим, честным и привлекательным. В этом небольшом, но богато проницательном томе современная математика и логика по-новому и вдохновляюще встречают религию и философию. Пять эссе озаглавлены: `Платонизм и прагматизм`, `Мифы, модели и мистицизм`, `От метафизики к логике`, `Логическое решение проблемы зла` и `Наука и вера бахаи` с характеристикой Оригинальность, доктор Хэтчер исследует интерфейс между этими дисциплинами, которые теперь сближаются друг с другом после веков взаимного недоверия. Этот ценный интеллектуальный вклад помогает читателю привести в более тесную гармонию два высших царства, выражающих существенную человеческую природу, а именно - науку и религию.
Состояние: Состояние отличное.

Holmes H. Welch. Taoism. The Parting of the Way. Даосизм. Разделение пути. На английском языке. Boston. Beacon Press. 2003г. 196с. Мягкая обложка, Увеличенный формат. (ISBN: 978-0-8070-5973-0 / 9780807059730)
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Kostick, Москва.) Цена: 740 руб. Купить
Called `a first-rate piece of work` by T. S. Eliot, this book offers a comprehensive discussion of Taoism, one of the worlds major religions, as well as a study of the Tao te ching, the best known Taoist text, and Lao-tzu as a Taoist prototype. `Of very definite value and interest to specialists as well as laymen. in part, this virtue is owing to the enthusiasm, humor, lucitiy, and delightful informality he brings to his task, but it rests even more on a quite unusual capacity for analytical insight and informed understanding.`—Derk Bodde, Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies. `Clarifies a large area of literature and history that has been a mystery to the West and makes fascinating reading even for those whose interest is casual.`—The New Yorker. From the Back Cover. This book offers a comprehensive discussion of Taoism, one of the worlds major religions, as well as a study of the Tao te ching, the best known Taoist text, Lao-Tzu as a Taoist prototype. About the Author. Holmes Welch (1924-1981) was a scholar, researcher, and theorist whose specialization focused on Buddhism and Taoism. Welch worked with the State Department for much of his career, both during and after World War II. Welch studied at Harvard University and published Taoism: The Parting of the Way.
Состояние: некоторые страницы помяты, в остальном состояние отличное.
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Hua Ching Ni. The Complete Works of Lao Tzu. Tao teh ching and hua hu ching. Полное собрание сочинений Лао-цзы. Дао дэ цзин и хуа ху цзин. На английском языке. Delhi. Rupa Publisher. 2012г. 236с. Мягкая обложка, Обычный формат. (ISBN: 978-8129119643 / 9788129119643)
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Kostick, Москва.) Цена: 280 руб. Купить
Tao teh ching and hua hu ching are the two documented works of lao tzu, who is considered to be one of the spiritual greats of china together, the texts are an exploration of the taoist philosophy, emphasizing spiritual growth through better and balanced living the tao teh ching the most cherished work of ancient chinese spirituality contains insights into the truth of the universe, philosophies on the nature of things, and the integration of the human being with nature the hua hu ching, on the other hand, is an exploration of spiritual growth in a dialectic style both books explore the search for enlightenment and clarity in spiritual life they provide simple solutions and philosophies to guide the reader down the path of healthy living the translator, hua-ching ni, aims to show the reader the original simplicity of ideas behind cultural inspiration about the author hua-ching ni , author, teacher and healer, addresses the essential nature of human life and works to further the personal growth and spiritual development of this and future generations he was raised in a family tradition of healing and spirituality that is continued by his two sons, drs daoshing and maoshing ni, and by his many friends and supporters throughout the world.
Состояние: очень хорошее.
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Hua-Ching Ni. Entering the Tao : Master Nis Guidance for Self-Cultivation. Вхождение в Дао: Руководство Мастера Ни по самосовершенствованию. Boston. Shambhala Classics. 1997г. 160с. Мягкая обложка, Обычный формат. (ISBN: 978-1-57062-161-1 / 9781570621611)
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Kostick, Москва.) Цена: 400 руб. Купить
Master Hua-Ching Ni uses straightforward language and personal experiences, as well as traditional stories and teachings of the ancient masters, to impart the wisdom of Taoism, the Integral Way. His teachings promote a simple, natural, healthy, and happy way of life that lays the foundation for spiritual self-cultivation
Состояние: отличное.
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Ibn Arabi. Whoso Knoweth Himself: from the Treatise on Being (Risale-t-ul-wujudiyyah). Translation by Thomas Hunter Weir. ? Beshara. 1988г. 27 c. Мягкий переплет, немного увеличенный формат.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - exbooks, Москва.) Цена: 950 руб. Купить
Состояние: отличное.

J Krishnamurti Кришнамурти. Life ahead. New York Harper & Row 1975г.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - fedot, Санкт-Петербург.) Цена: 690 руб. Купить
Состояние: Отличное

JULIAN F. PAS. The A to Z of Taoism. Даосизм от А до … На английском языке. Toronto. Scarecrow Press. 2006г. 415с. Мягкая обложка, Увеличенный формат. (ISBN: 978-0-8108-5511-3 / 9780810855113)
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Kostick, Москва.) Цена: 770 руб. Купить
Taoism, the set of philosophical teachings and religious practices rooted in the understanding of the Chinese character Tao, or `The Way,` was founded by the Chinese philosopher Laozi in the 6th Century BCE, whose work, the Tao Te Ching (The Book of the Way and its Virtue) laid the philosophical foundation for the religions beliefs. This volume starts, as it should, with a detailed chronology of Taoism and its relationship both to China and other teachings. The introduction inserts it further in this basic context. Then the dictionary section, consisting of several hundred cross-referenced entries, provides a more detailed treatment of significant persons, nonpersons (gods and demons), concepts, practices, rituals, scriptures, and schools.
Состояние: некоторые страницы помяты, в остальном состояние отличное.
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Kapleau Roshi Philip. The Three Pillars of Zen: Teaching, Practice, and Enlightenment. Boston. Beacon Press. 1971г. 363с. С илл. Мягкий переплет, обычный формат.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - exbooks, Москва.) Цена: 950 руб. Купить
Состояние: хорошее.

Krishnamurti J. Solo El Recto Pensar Conduce A La Paz. Только открытое мышление ведет к миру/На испанском языке. Мехико 1974г. 168с. мягкий переплет, уменьшенный формат.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Kurier, Рыбинск.) Цена: 240 руб. Купить
Джидду Кришнамурти (англ. Jiddu Krishnamurti, 1895 —1986) — индийский духовный учитель. Был известным оратором на философские и духовные темы. В их число входили: психологическая революция, природа сознания, медитация, отношения между людьми, достижение позитивных изменений в обществе. Он неоднократно подчеркивал необходимость революции сознания каждого отдельно взятого человека и особо акцентировал на том, что подобные изменения не могут быть достигнуты с помощью внешних сил — будь то религия, политика или общество. Духовные беседы 1944 года.
Состояние: Хорошее

Krishnamurti J. Commentaar op het leven. Кришнамурти Джидду Комментарии о жизни, часть 1 Gravenhage Boucher 1958г. 336 c. Твердый переплет, немного Увеличенный формат.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Semargl, Москва.) Цена: 900 руб. С доставкой по России Купить
Кришнамурти Джидду Комментарии о жизни, часть 1 (1956) на голландском языке. Прижизненное издание. На форзаце приклеена фотооткрытка с портретом Кришнамурти.
Состояние: хорошее, на форзаце вверху влад.подпись. В центре фотооткрытка с портретом Кришнамурти. Несколько пометок в тексте. Немного выцвел корешок.
Смотрите: обложкатитул

Lama Surya Das; Derek Lin. Tao Te Ching: Annotated & Explained. Дао Дэ Цзин: Аннотации и объяснения. На английском языке. New York. Skylight Paths. 2006г. 208с. Мягкая обложка, Обычный формат. (ISBN: 978-1-59473-204-1 / 9781594732041)
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Kostick, Москва.) Цена: 330 руб. Купить
In a world where East and West are drawing closer together, the penetrating teachings of the Tao te Ching speak to believers and seekers of all faiths more directly than ever before. Through an accessible, poetic and completely original translation of the
Состояние: очень хорошее.
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Lao Tzu (Author), Charles Muller (Translator), Yi-Ping Ong (Introduction). Tao Te Ching. Дао Дэ Цзин. На английском языке. New York. Barnes & Noble Classics. 2005г. 175с. Мягкая обложка, Обычный формат. (ISBN: 978-1593082567 / 9781593082567)
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Kostick, Москва.) Цена: 370 руб. Купить
The Tao te Ching of Lao Tzu is one of the most widely read and deeply cherished books in the world-a work many consider the wisest book ever written. In his introduction, translator Brian Browne Walker says, `It is less a book than a living, breathing angel.` In his new translation, Walker stays close to the direct literal accuracy of the Chinese characters while producing a modern, exceptionally clear version that has the ring and voice of Lao Tzu, a man who may or may not have been a single individual. `I have come to think of Lao Tzu less as a man who once lived,` Walker writes, `and more as a song that plays, eternal and abiding.”
Состояние: отличное.
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Lao Tzu. Tao Te Ching. Дао дэ цзин. Лао-цзы. Дао дэ цзин. На английском языке. Penguin Books. 2016г. 176с. Мягкая обложка, Обычный формат. (ISBN: 978-0-14-044131-4 / 9780140441314)
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Kostick, Москва.) Цена: 200 руб. Купить
Traditionally attributed to Lao Tzu, an older contemporary of Confucius (551 - 479 BC), it is now thought that the work was compiled in about the fourth century BC. An anthology of wise sayings, it offers a model by which the individual can live rather than explaining the human place in the universe. The moral code it encourages is based on modesty and self-restraint, and the rewards reaped for such a life are harmony and flow of life.
Состояние: отличное.
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Lao Tzu. Tao Teh Ching. Дао Дэ Цзин. На английском языке. Translated by John C.H. Wu. Boston. Shambhala. 1990г. 115с. Мягкая обложка, Миниатюрный формат. (ISBN: 978-0877735427 / 9780877735427)
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Kostick, Москва.) Цена: 150 руб. Купить
Written more than two thousand years ago, the Tao Teh Ching, or `The Classic of the Way and Its Virtue,` has probably had a greater influence on Asian thought that any other single book. It is also one of the true classics of world literature. Traditionally attributed to the near-legendary `Old Master,` Lao Tzu, the Tao Teh Ching teaches that the qualities of the enlightened sage or ideal ruler are identical with those of the perfected individual. Today, Lao Tzus words are as useful in mastering the arts of leadership in business and politics as they are in developing a sense of balance and harmony in everyday life. To follow the Tao or Way of all things and realize their true nature is to embody humility, spontaneity, and generosity.
Состояние: очень хорошее.
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Lao Tzu. Лао-цзы. Tao Te Ching. Дао дэ цзин. Лао-цзы. Дао дэ цзин. На английском языке. Translated by D.C. Lau. Introduction by Sarah Allan. New York. Knopf. 2006г. 136с. Твердый переплет, Обычный формат. (ISBN: 978-0-679-43316-3 / 9780679433163)
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Kostick, Москва.) Цена: 400 руб. Купить
Written during the golden age of Chinese philosophy, and composed partly in prose and partly in verse, the Tao Te Ching is surely the most terse and economical of the world’s great religious texts. In a series of short, profound chapters it elucidates the idea of the Tao, or the Way–an idea that in its ethical, practical, and spiritual dimensions has become essential to the life of China’s enormously powerful civilization. In the process of this elucidation, Lao-tzu both clarifies and deepens those central religious mysteries around which our life on earth revolves. Translation of the Ma Wang Tui Manuscripts by D. C. Lau
Состояние: отличное.
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Laudse. Daudedsching. На немецком языке. Leipzig. Verlag Philipp Reclam jun. 1981г. 240 с. Мягкий переплет, Уменьшенный формат.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Spieler, Москва.) Цена: 500 руб. Купить
Состояние: Очень хорошее
Смотрите: Обложка

lee. ДАО. Книга перемен. Расшифровка и толкование И-цзин в соответствии с первоначальным смыслом ДАО М Вариант 2021г. 108 с., илл. твердый переплет, обычный формат. (ISBN: 978-5-907259-78-2 / 9785907259782)
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Kottikhon, Москва.) Цена: 480 руб. Купить
Автор предлагает современное осмысление значений гексаграмм, используя ту логику, которая применялась создателями «И-цзин».
Состояние: отличное, книга новая

Livia Kohn. Chuang-Tzu: The Tao of Perfect Happiness. Чжуан-цзы: Дао совершенного счастья. New Delhi. Rupa Publications India Pvt Ltd. 2012г. 228с. Мягкая обложка, Обычный формат. (ISBN: 978-8129119858 / 9788129119858)
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Kostick, Москва.) Цена: 200 руб. Купить
Livia Kohn PhD, a leading Taoist scholar, is professor emerita of religion and East Asian studies at Boston University. She is author and editor of over twenty-five books and many articles on Taoism and East Asian religions, including Daoism and Chinese Culture, Daoism Handbook and Health and Long Life: The Chinese Way. She teaches workshops all over the world, spearheads international conferences on Taoist studies, and is executive editor at Three Pines Press and the Journal of Daoist Studies. The Chuang-TZu is the second major text of the Taoist tradition. It was compiled in the third century bce and follows the lead of the best-known and oldest of all Taoist texts. Representing the philosophy of its main author, Chuang Chou, along with several other early Taoist strands, the text has inspired spiritual seekers for over two thousand years. In this special edition, leading Taoist scholar Livia Kohn, PhD, provides a fresh and modern translation of key selections from this timeless text to open up classic Taoist beliefs and practices for todays reader. She provides insightful, accessible commentary that highlights the Chuang-tzus call to reject artificially imposed boundaries and distinctions, and illustrates how you can live a more balanced, authentic and joyful life, at ease and in perfect happiness, by following Taoist principles.
Состояние: отличное.
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Lui I-ming (Author), Thomas Cleary (Translator). Awakening to the Tao. Пробуждение к Дао. На английском языке. Boston. Shambhala. 2006г. 108с. Мягкая обложка, Увеличенный формат. (ISBN: 978-1-59030-344-3 / 9781590303443)
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Kostick, Москва.) Цена: 270 руб. Купить
This collection of brief meditative essays illustrates the ancient philosophy that holds the key to success in all aspects of life. The Tao is the ancient Chinese `Way` that has inspired numerous books, from The Tao of Physics to The Tao of Sex. This book, written by an 18th-century Taoist adept, might be called ”The Tao of Tao.” In 142 brief meditative essays, author Liu I-ming uses simple language and natural imagery to express the essence of the wisdom that holds the key to success in every human endeavor.
Состояние: отличное.
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Lui I-ming (Author), Thomas Cleary (Translator). The Taoist I Ching. Даосский И Цзин. На английском языке. Boston. Shambhala. 2005г. 352c. Мягкая обложка, Увеличенный формат. (ISBN: 978-1590302606 / 9781590302606)
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Kostick, Москва.) Цена: 1570 руб. Купить
A fascinating two-part Taoist commentary on the classic Chinese text, the I Ching, from the 18th-century adept Liu I-ming. The I Ching, or “Book of Change,” is considered the oldest of the Chinese classics and has throughout history commanded unsurpassed prestige and popularity. Containing several layers of text and given numerous levels of interpretation, it has captured continuous attention for well over two thousand years. It has been considered a book of fundamental principles by philosophers, politicians, mystics, alchemists, yogis, diviners, sorcerers, and more recently by scientists and mathematicians. This first part of the present volume is the text of the I Ching proper—the sixty-four hexagrams, plus sayings on the hexagrams and their lines—with the commentary composed by Liu I-ming, a Taoist adept, in 1796. The second part is Liu I-mings commentary on the two sections added to the I Ching by earlier commentators, believed to be members of the original Confucian school; these two sections are known as the Overall Images and the Mixed Hexagrams. In total, the book illuminates the Taoist inner teachings as practiced in the School of Complete Reality. Well versed in Buddhism and Confucianism as well as Taoism, Liu I-ming intended his work to be read as a guide to comprehensive self-realization while living an ordinary life in the world. In his attempt to lift the veil of mystery from the esoteric language of the I Ching , he employs the terminology of psychology, sociology, history, myth, and religion. This commentary on the I Ching stands as a major contribution to the elucidation of Chinese spiritual genius.
Состояние: отличное.
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Marie Kondo [Мари Кондо]. Life-Changing Magic of Tidying [Магия уборки, меняющая жизнь] UK Gardners Books  2015г. 248c. Твердый издательский переплет., Стандартный формат.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Trinity, Санкт-Петербург.) Цена: 500 руб. Купить
Expert Marie Kondo takes tidying to a whole new level, promising that if you properly simplify and organize your home once, you’ll never have to do it again. Most methods advocate a room-by-room or little-by-little approach, which doom you to pick away at your piles of stuff forever. The KonMari Method, with its category-by-category system, leads to lasting results.
Состояние: очень хорошее

Max Kaltenmark. Lao Tzu and Taoism. Лао-цзы и Даосизм. На английском языке. Stanford. Stanford University Press. 1969г. 158с. Мягкая обложка, Обычный формат. (ISBN: 978-0804706896 / 9780804706896)
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Kostick, Москва.) Цена: 320 руб. Купить
Apart from Confucius, Lao Tzu is the most eminent figure in Chinese antiquity. The book attributed to him, the Tao Te Ching, is the classic statement of the system of thought known as Taoism. Much of the doctrine of the Tao Te Ching was later clarified and modified by the greatest of the Taoist philosophers and writers, Chuang Tzu, whose chief work bears his name. The major ideas contained in these two early texts form the basis of this concise yet comprehensive history and analysis of Taoism, which also presents biographical information on Lao Tzu and Chuang Tzu and an account of religious Taoism. Largely because of its emphasis on passivity, quietism, and mysticism, Taoism never enjoyed wide popular or official favor, and it was gradually overshadowed by the more positive and active ideology of Confucianism. Through the centuries, however, its influence on intellectuals has led to much of Chinas greatest art and literature, not to mention a religion that has persisted as a spiritual force to the present day. About the author. Max Kaltenmark is Professor of Chinese Religion and Literature at the University of Paris.
Состояние: отличное.
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Michael R Saso. The Teachings of Taoist Master Chuang. Учение даосского мастера Чжуана. Чжуан-цзы. На английском языке. London. Yale University Press. 1978г. 317с. Твердый переплет, Обычный формат. (ISBN: 978-9939667027 / 9789939667027)
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Kostick, Москва.) Цена: 540 руб. Купить
The Teachings of Taoist Master Chuang is a verbatim account of an oral tradition that originated in three Daoist mountains of China: Longhu Shan in Jiangxi, Mao Shan in Jiangsu, and Wudang Shan in Hubei provinces. The oral teachings are taken verbatim from hand-written manuals that are transmitted from master to disciple at these and other sacred sites. The orthodox Daoist tradition taught by Master Zhuang uses these rituals to help the ordinary people of China’s villages, towns, and cities to celebrate rites of passage, annual festivals and ancestor memorials.
Состояние: очень хорошее.
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Ming-Dao Deng. Everyday Tao: Living with Balance and Harmony. Дао на каждый день: жизнь в равновесии и гармонии. На английском языке. San Francisco. HarperOne. 1996г. 256с. Мягкая обложка, Обычный формат. (ISBN: 978-0062513953 / 9780062513953)
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Kostick, Москва.) Цена: 340 руб. Купить
A must-have for all those who want to incorporate Taoist wisdom into their everyday lives, this companion to Deng Ming-Daos popular 365 Tao shows readers how to live in harmony with nature, others, and their natural selves. Fifteen sections address key issues encountered in spiritual growth and offer clear, specific directions on bringing the Taoist spirit into work, relationships, and all aspects of everyday life. Line drawings. The Taoist spirit comes to life, made vibrant and contemporary through the Chinese ideograms whose images and stories speak of living in harmony with the Tao. Everyday Tao revives an ancient approach to meditation and reflection by using these stories as sources of insight for spiritual growth. Tao is a person running along a path. A companion volume to the bestselling 365 Tao, Everyday Tao offers clear, specific directions on bringing the Taoist spirit into our work, our relationships, and other aspects of our everyday lives. Each ideogram provides the starting point for a Taoist lesson. The narrative that follows shows how we can achieve an intimate relationship with nature, others, and our natural selves.
Состояние: отличное.
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Pal-satya. Yogasana and Sadhana. Йогасаны и Садхана. Delhi. Pustak Mahal. 2012г. 177с. Мягкая обложка, Обычный формат. (ISBN: 978-93-813842-5-1 / 9789381384251)
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Kostick, Москва.) Цена: 100 руб. Купить
Written by yoga specialist Dr. Satya Pal Grover, this book is a product of 40 years of constant practice and experience of yoga. It is a step-by-step guide to strengthen your mind, elevate your thoughts and for living a happy life. This book shows the rig Written by yoga specialist Dr. Satya Pal Grover, this book is a product of 40 years of constant practice and experience of yoga. It is a step-by-step guide to strengthen your mind, elevate your thoughts and for living a happy life.
Состояние: очень хорошее.
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Pancham Sinh. Hatha Yoga Pradipika: Explanation of Hatha Yoga. Хатха-йога-прадипика: объяснение хатха-йоги. На английском языке. Delhi. Book Faith India. 2000г. 141с. Мягкая обложка, Миниатюрный формат. (ISBN: 978-8170283133 / 9788170283133)
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Kostick, Москва.) Цена: 150 руб. Купить
The Hatha Yoga Pradipika is an important text in which are enumerated the essentials of yoga. It explains in clear terms the asanas, pranayama, mudras, and the samdhi which are essential in the practice of yoga and describes the stages and the correct methods for doing these. It also discusses the philosophy underlying the yoga and is a manual of instructions for the students of yoga.
Состояние: очень хорошее.
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Pandit M. P. The Teaching of Sri Aurobindo/ Учение Шри Ауробиндо. Bombay Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan Chowpatty 1964г. 64 с. Твердый переплет, Уменьшенный формат.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Tachka, Москва.) Цена: 2000 руб. Купить
В Учении Шри Ауробиндо М.П. Пандит предоставил нам краткий обзор и введение в учение Шри Ауробиндо. Эта книга стремится раскрыть принципы этого Высокого Учения и развить истины этого Знания в их отношении к значению Человека, Природы и Бога. Совершенный человек в совершенном обществе был мечтой провидцев и святых, мыслителей и мистиков с незапамятных времен. Каким бы несовершенным ни был человек в настоящее время, он может и должен достигать прогрессивного совершенства в себе и своих ближних. И это он может сделать, развивая свое собственное сознание за пределы узких границ своего ума и чувств. Ибо именно состояние сознания человека определяет его совершенство или несовершенство. Ведические провидцы говорили о Ритам Джйоти, Свете-Истине, по достижении которого человек вырастает в Бессмертие, в высшее Знание, Силу и Блаженство. Риши Упанишад аналогичным образом ссылаются на Махас, Виджняну, возвышающуюся над Планами Манаса, которая высвобождает человека в великолепие Знания и Свободы. В наше время именно Шри Ауробиндо и Мать возродили эту древнюю веру в Предназначение Человека во всей ее полноте, предвидя расцвет растущего совершенства в человечестве как неизбежный результат развития высшего Сознания, духовной Силы Истины над областью Ума —Сверхразум, и работали над тем, чтобы приблизить час установления и действия этого Сознания-Истины на земле все ближе и ближе. На английском языке. Вес 77 г.
Состояние: Близкое к отличному, потертости переплета
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Prabhavananda, Swami. Sermon on the Mount According to Vedanta (Нагорная проповедь в соответствии с Ведантой). Vedanta Press 1976г. 110 с. Твердый переплет, суперобложка, уменьшенный формат.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - exbooks, Москва.) Цена: 450 руб. Купить
Состояние: очень хорошее (на форзаце подпись владельца).

Raimundo Panikkar. The Vedic Experience Mantramanjari: An Anthology of the Vedas for Modern Man and Contemporary Celebration. Delhi. Motilal Banarsidass. 2001г. 937 c. Твердый переплет, суперобложка, обычный формат.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - exbooks, Москва.) Цена: 4500 руб. Купить
One of the most stupendous manifestations of the Spirit; is undoubtedly that which has been handed down to us under the generic name of the Vedas. The Vedas are still too much neglected not only in the world at large but also in their country of origin. This Vedic anthology will make direct and fruitful knowledge of the Vedas available to a wider range of people than the small elite of pandits and indologists./ This anthology collects the most crucial texts of the Indian Sacred Scriptures—in all more than 500—newly translated into contemporary English. Dr. Panikkar’s principle has been to select and place together texts so as to offer a selection of texts that cover the full range of ‘The Vedic Experience’ and at the same time to show how they manifest the universal rhythms of nature, history, and Man. Excerpts are taken from the oldest hymns, such as the Rig Veda; from the Brahmanas the Aranyakas, or `Forest Treatises, ` and finally the Upanisads, which represent the mystical and philosophical culmination of the Vedas./ This is a book for meditation, for reading, public and private, as well as for thorough study at this wellspring of human wisdom. It should, moreover, facilitate that meeting of East and West so long desired and delayed, and now so imperative./// Raimundo Panikkar is Professor of religious studies at the University of California, Santa Barbara. His books include The Unknown Christ of Hinduism, Worship and Secular Man, The Trinity and the Religious experience o man, The Intrareligious Dialogue and Myth, Faith and Hermeneutics.
Состояние: отличное.

S. Ganesh. Ganesha Hora Shastram. Bhava Analysis На английском языке. Delhi. Alpha Publication 2003г. 702с. Твердый переплет, Увеличенный формат. (ISBN: 979-81-7948-071 / 979817948071)
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Kostick, Москва.) Цена: 750 руб. Купить
Две книги на английском языке. If someone were to ask what was the advantage of elaborating the indications and promises of different bhavas in such a detailed way as S. Ganesh has done in this book, the answers will be many. The same planetary placement and combination with its variegated meanings, is suspectible of positive and negative meaning, depressing sometimes and uplifting others times. To be able to do it, interpretative skill should be developed and no conclusion clinching formulae should be collected because astrology is both art and science, mathematics and interpretation. This book will answer a need. Primarily, American and western readers will feel that they have now armed themselves with lot of predictive firepower which their ovsm astrology never provides. It is only the Hindu astrology that is predictive-prodigiously, precariously and even prevaricatingly. Inherent in predictions are motivations and actions which is why Hindu astrology, without claiming or pretending to be psychological, is superbly psychological as westem astrology never can be. The great merit of this book is that it is illustrative and interpretative where navamsha too has been used. The book had to become very bulky unavoidably. In seeing the illustrations given in this book always look at the navamsha also to understand the scheme of interpretation. It is because a uniform approach is followed in trying to standardize an interpretative method. This book is very brilliant, very stimulating. It is a sumptuous meal that will whet the appetites of many and help some hard working astrologer with a gift for synthesis to become a brilliant predictor. If you miss that you will people your world with ghosts and fears, instead of learning astrology properly, you will be gripped with fear psychosis. It should be kept in the mind that astrology offers an insight into the meaning and purpose of life and its predictable pattern of events and destiny.
Состояние: суперобложка потрепана, книга - очень хорошее.
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Salaian Ioanna. Zen comics. Sidney Book wise 2000г. 88 c., ил. Мягкий переплет, обычный формат.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - NickolaiR, Саратов.) Цена: 200 руб. Купить
Состояние: хорошее-оч.хорошее
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Saso, Michael R. The Gold Pavilion: Taoist Ways to Peace, Healing, and Long Life. Золотой павильон: даосские пути к миру, исцелению и долгой жизни. На английском языке. Vermont. Charles E. Tuttle Company. 1995г. 204с. Мягкая обложка, Увеличенный формат. (ISBN: 804830606 / 804830606)
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Kostick, Москва.) Цена: 560 руб. Купить
The Gold Pavilion: Taoist Ways to Peace, Health, and Long Life is a step-by-step instruction of Taoist meditation from ancient China. The writings of the ancient Chinese Taoist masters tell us that when the mind, heart, and body are in tune with the harmonics of nature, a new inner peace emerges. This peace can be achieved through Taoist meditation, which is revealed in this fascinating book. Author Michael Saso provides a concise introduction to the history of and many sources from which Taoism is drawn. he outlines the essential Taoist texts, theChing, the Tao-te Ching and the Chuang-tzu, as well as the different forms of Taoist and Tibetan Tantric meditation. he then offers an engaging translation of theGold Pavilion classic, a Taoist meditation first practiced by a great forth-century mystic, Lady Wei Huacun, founder of a special kind of Taoism called the Highest Pure School. This important text teaches how to find Tao, `the Way,` within by emptying the mind and heart of all desires and concepts. Combining discussions of Chinese philosophy, history and healing arts, The Golden Pavilion reveals a way to find inner peace and harmony in a world with little time for quiet contemplation.`synopsis` may belong to another edition of this title.
Состояние: отличное.
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Shiqeru Egami. The way of KARATE. Beyond Technique. Токио, Нью-Йорк, Сан Франциско Kodansha International LTD 1976г. 127с., илл.+вклейки Суперобложка, твердый переплет., Увеличенный формат.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - VERVOLF, Москва.) Цена: 2200 руб. Купить
Напечатано в Японии. Прижизненное первое издание Учителя, сформировавшего направление карате.
Состояние: Хорошее, супер с обрывами, но без утрат.

Shunmyo Masuno [Шунмио Масуно] . Zen: The Art of Simple Living [Дзен: Искусство простой жизни]. 100 Daily Practices from a Japanese Zen Monk for a Lifetime of Calm and Joy.Harry Goldhawk (Illustrator), Zanna Goldhawk (Illustrator) UK Penguin Books 2019г. 224с.цв.ил.  художественный издательский переплет., Стандартный формат.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Trinity, Санкт-Петербург.) Цена: 900 руб. Купить
Shunmyo Masuno is the head priest of a 450-year-old Zen Buddhist temple in Japan, an award-winning Zen garden designer for clients all over the world and a professor of environmental design at one of Japans leading art schools. He has lectured widely around the world.
Состояние: очень хорошее

Stephen T. Chang. The Complete System Of Self-healing. Полная система самоисцеления. На английском языке. USA Tao Publishing. 1999г. 224с. Твердый переплет, Обычный формат. (ISBN: 0-942196-06-6 / 0942196066)
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Kostick, Москва.) Цена: 250 руб. Купить
This book was written only to introduce the Internal Exercise of Taoism as a gesture of goodwill. Since certain exercises, special techniques, and teachings which are introduced may be new to certain societies, since human beings are complicated and delicate in constitution, and since every individual is different, please consult your physician before you try any of the contents of this book, for your own protection. The author and the publisher specifically disclaim liability for any loss or risk incurred by the use application of any of the contents of this book.
Состояние: отличное.
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Stuart Alve Olson. The Jade Emperors Mind Seal Classic: The Taoist Guide to Health, Longevity, and Immortality. Классическая печать разума Нефритового императора: даосское руководство по здоровью, долголетию и бессмертию. На английском языке. Rochester. Inner Traditions. 2003г. 216с. Мягкая обложка, Увеличенный формат. (ISBN: 978-0892811359 / 9780892811359)
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Kostick, Москва.) Цена: 470 руб. Купить
The first English translation with commentary of three classic Taoist texts on immortality. Translates The Jade Emperor’s Mind Seal Classic, The Immortals, and The Three Treasures of Immortality. Defines the Taoist concept of immortality and examines the lives and practices of Taoists who achieved this state. Reveals the steps needed to achieve immortality in our modern society. Taoist mystics claim that it is possible to achieve immortality: “Within each of us dwells the medicine to cure the affliction of mortality.” Now Western readers can access the wisdom of Taoist masters on the subject of immortality through the first English translations of three classic Taoist treatises: The Jade Emperor’s Mind Seal Classic; The Immortals, from the Pao P’u Tzu by Ko Hung of the Sung Dynasty; and The Three Treasures of Immortality, from the Dragon Gate Sect. The Jade Emperor’s Mind Seal Classic teaches that one can attain immortality through the cultivation of the three treasures of Taoism: ching (sexual and physical energy), qi (breath and vital energy), and shen (spirit and mental energy). Chinese history is sprinkled with accounts of individuals who applied the lessons of the Jade Emperor and lived up to 200 years. Drawing on his extensive knowledge of Taoism, martial arts, and Chinese history and culture, Stuart Alve Olson accompanies his translations with informative commentary that explains the historical context of the texts as well as demonstrates the practical applications of their teachings in contemporary life.
Состояние: отличное.
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Swami Chinmayananda. Discourses on Kaivalyopanishad. Bombay. Central Chinmaya Mission Trust 1991г. 90 c. Мягкий переплет, обычный формат.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - exbooks, Москва.) Цена: 450 руб. Купить
Состояние: хорошее.

Swami Ramdev. Yog Sadhna and Yoga Healing Secrets. Йога-садхана и секреты исцеления йогой. Faridabad. Divya Prakashan. 2005г. 178с. Мягкая обложка, Обычный формат. (ISBN: 81-89235-15-X / 818923515)
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Kostick, Москва.) Цена: 250 руб. Купить
Состояние: отличное.
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Swami Venkatesananda. The Supreme Yoga: A New Translation of the Yoga V?si??ha. In 2 Vols. Vol. II. India. Divine Life Society. 1995.г. xv+378 с., ил. Мягкий ламинированный переплет, обычный формат.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - exbooks, Москва.) Цена: 750 руб. Купить
Состояние: очень хорошее.

Swami Yogeshwaranand Saraswat (Vyas Dev ji). First steps to higher Yoga (An exposition of first five constituents of Yoga). First English Edition. Gangotri, Rishikesh. Yoga Niketan Trust 1970г. 326 c., илл. фото Твердый ледериновый переплет, увеличенный формат.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - exbooks, Москва.) Цена: 2500 руб. Купить
Состояние: хорошее.
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Taoist Master Alfred Huang. The Numerology of the I Ching: A Sourcebook of Symbols, Structures, and Traditional Wisdom. Нумерология И Цзин: Справочник по символам, структурам и традиционной мудрости. На английском языке. Rochester. Inner Traditions. 2000г. 186с. Мягкая обложка, Увеличенный формат. (ISBN: 978-0892818112 / 9780892818112)
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Kostick, Москва.) Цена: 540 руб. Купить
The first book to cover the complete Taoist teachings on form, structure, and symbol in the I Ching. Provides many new patterns and diagrams for visualizing the layout of the 64 hexagrams.Includes advanced teachings on the hosts of the hexagrams, the mutual hexagrams, and the core hexagrams. Written by Taoist Master Alfred Huang, author of The Complete I Ching. The Numerology of the I Ching is the first book to bring the complete Taoist teachings on form, structure, and symbol in the I Ching to a Western audience, and it is a natural complement to Alfred Huangs heralded Complete I Ching. It examines not only the classic circular arrangement of the eight trigrams but also the hidden numerology in this arrangement and its relationship to tai chi and the Chinese elements. Huang explains the binary code underlying the I Ching, the symbolism behind the square diagram of all 64 hexagrams, and Fu Xis unique circular layout of the 64 hexagrams, completely unknown in the West. Entire chapters are devoted to such vital material as the hosts of the hexagrams, the mutual hexagrams, and the core hexagrams--all barely hinted at in previous versions of the I Ching. With appendices listing additional symbolism for each hexagram, formulas for easily memorizing the Chinese names of the sixty-four hexagrams, and much more, The Numerology of the I Ching is a must for serious I Ching students.
Состояние: очень хорошее.
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Taufic Ibrahuim, Sagedeev Arthur. Classical Islamic Philosophy. Серия: Sudents Library. Tanslated from Russian. M. Progress. 1990 г. 385 c. бумажный переплет, обычный формат.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Alexeyd805, Московская обл., Чехов.) Цена: 100 руб. Купить
Состояние: хорошее, нечитанная, но обложка потертая из-за долгого хранения.

The Brhadaranyaka Upanisad with the Commentary of Sankaracarya. Translated by Swami Madhavananda. With an introduction by Mahamahopadhyaya prof. S. Kuppuswami Sastri. Sanskrit Text with English translation and translation of Shankara Bhashya. Calcutta. Advaita Ashrama; 1997г. 670 с. Твердый издательский переплет, суперобложка + пластиковая обложка., увеличенный формат.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - exbooks, Москва.) Цена: 3750 руб. Купить
Состояние: отличной сохранности.

Thomas Cleary. Taoist Meditation. Methods for Cultivating a Healthy Mind and Body. Даосская медитация. Методы взращивания здорового духа и тела. На английском языке. Boston. Shambhala. 2000г. 130с. Мягкая обложка, Обычный формат. (ISBN: 978-1-57062-567-1 / 9781570625671)
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Kostick, Москва.) Цена: 470 руб. Купить
A curated collection of ancient texts that shed light on the full breadth of Taoist meditation practices. The ancient meditation techniques of Taoism encompass a wide range of practices—with an aim toward cultivating a healthy body as well as an enlightened mind. These selections from classic texts of Taoist meditation represent the entire range of techniques—from sitting meditation practices to internal alchemy. Most of the texts appear here in English for the first time. Selections are taken from the following classics: Anthology on Cultivation of Realization: A document from 1739 (Ming Dynasty) that emphasizes development of the natural, social, and spiritual elements in human life. Treatise on Sitting Forgetting: A Tang Dynasty text that sets meditation practice in terms familiar to Confucians and Buddhists. Sayings of Taoist Master Danyang: Wisdom of the Taoist wizard and representative of the Complete Reality School. Secret Writings on the Mechanism of Nature: An anthology taken from one hundred sixty-three Taoist sources, including ancient classics and works on meditation and spiritual alchemy, along with admonitions and teachings of the great Taoist luminaries. Zhang Sanfengs Taiji Alchemy Secrets: A treatise on the inner mediation practices that are the proper foundation of the martial art Taiji. Secret Records of Understanding the Way: A rare and remarkable collection of talks by an anonymous Taoist master of the later Qing dynasty (1644–1911). Traditional teachings with a sometimes strikingly modern bent.
Состояние: отличное.
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Thomas Cleary. The Essential Tao: An Initiation into the Heart of Taoism Through the Authentic Tao Te Ching and the Inner Teachings of Chuang-Tzu. Суть Дао: посвящение в идею даосизма через подлинное Дао дэ Цзин и внутреннее учение Чжуан-цзы. HarperOne. 1993г. 170с. Мягкая обложка, Обычный формат. (ISBN: 978-0-06-250216-2 / 9780062502162)
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Kostick, Москва.) Цена: 200 руб. Купить
Thomas Clearys new translation of two Chinese classics describing the essential philosophy and practice of Tao, written long ago as maps of the Way: Tao Te Ching and Chuang-tzu. Clearys presentation restores the power and mind-opening distinctive.
Состояние: отличное.
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Thomas Cleary. The Spirit of Tao. Дух Дао. На английском языке. London. Shambhala. 1998г. 161с. Мягкая обложка, Обычный формат. (ISBN: 978-1-57062-370-7 / 9781570623707)
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Kostick, Москва.) Цена: 650 руб. Купить
Taoist teachings have arisen in many forms: abstract aphorisms, philosophical discussions, legends, fables—even jokes. All are represented here, culled from the most popular Taoist classics: the Tao-te Ching, Chuang-tzu, Huai-nan-tzu, and Wen-tzu, stories from the `Tales of Inner Meaning,` and teachings of the Taoist patriarch Ancestor Lu. The spirit of the Tao manifests in myriad images, brought to life in this superb translation—from the ever-keen blade of a Taoist butcher to the mechanical miracles of inventor Ken Shiwa, from little boys baiting the great Confucius to mountain hermits disappearing in the mist, from the six robber organs that obscure the primordial to the ineffable mystery of mysteries. Taoist teachings have arisen in many forms: abstract aphorisms, philosophical discussions, legends, fables—even jokes. All are represented here, culled from the most popular Taoist classics: the Tao-te Ching, Chuang-tzu, Huai-nan-tzu, and Wen-tzu, stories from the `Tales of Inner Meaning,` and teachings of the Taoist patriarch Ancestor Lu. The spirit of the Tao manifests in myriad images, brought to life in this superb translation—from the ever-keen blade of a Taoist butcher to the mechanical miracles of inventor Ken Shiwa, from little boys baiting the great Confucius to mountain hermits disappearing in the mist, from the six robber organs that obscure the primordial to the ineffable mystery of mysteries.
Состояние: очень хорошее.
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Thomas Cleary. The Taoist Classics. Three volumes. Даосская классика. Три тома. На английском языке. Boston. Shambhala. 2003г. 481+551+561с. Мягкая обложка, Увеличенный формат. (ISBN: 978-1570629051 / 9781570629051)
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Kostick, Москва.) Цена: 5500 руб. Купить
Volume 1: Tao Te Ching: Clearys original translations of the great classic of Taoism, accompanied by his commentary illuminating the text and its context. Chuang-tzu: The `Inner Teachings` of a widely influential compendium of wisdom stories, fables, and anecdotes. Wen-tzu: Understanding the Mysteries: Another core text of Chinese Taoism, containing teachings also attributed to the author of the Tao Te Ching. The Book of Leadership and Strategy: Lessons of the Chinese Masters: One of the great Chinese teachings on the subtle arts of management and leadership at all levels. Sex, Health, and Long Life: Manuals of Taoist Practice: The techniques contained in these five texts reveal the transformative influence sex can have when wisely practiced. Volume 2: Understanding Reality: A Taoist Alchemical Classic: A tenth-century text on the principles of inner alchemy. The Inner Teachings of Taoism: The essentials of self-transformation according to the Complete Reality School of Taoism, with commentary by Liu I-ming. The Book of Balance and Harmony: These essays, conversations, poetry, and songs about the secrets of Taoism teach how to live a centered and orderly life. Practical Taoism: A collection of the most accessible of the texts on inner alchemy. Volume 3: of translated texts includes: Vitality, Energy, Spirit: A Taoist Sourcebook: An extraordinarily rich and diverse collection of Taoist writings from the fifth century BCE to modern times. The Secret of the Golden Flower: The Classic Chinese Book of Life: Essentially a practical guide to the integration of personality—hailed by C. G. Jung as a link between the insights of the East and his own psychological research. Immortal Sisters: Secrets of Taoist Women: The writings of six distinguished Taoist women adepts writing between the fourth and twelfth centuries. Awakening to the Tao: Another treasure from Liu I-ming, this is a collection of one hundred forty-two of the masters brief but admirably lucid essays on living according to the Tao.
Состояние: очень хорошее.
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Thomas Cleary. Vitality, Energy, Spirit. A Taoist Sourcebook. Жизненная сила, Энергия, Дух. Даосский справочник. На английском языке. Boston. Shambhala. 2009г. 279с. Мягкая обложка, Увеличенный формат. (ISBN: 978-1-59030-688-8 / 9781590306888)
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Kostick, Москва.) Цена: 1550 руб. Купить
The “three treasures” of human life—vitality, energy, and spirit—are envisioned in Taoist thought as the source of creativity, capability, and intelligence. This comprehensive anthology traces the teachings on these three treasures through the long history of Taoism, highlighting the quintessential works on their practical application for mental and physical well-being. Along with brief selections from the classic sources of Taoism by Lao Tzu and Chang-tzu, the book presents a rich selection of tales and sayings from Taoist literature, as well as a broad range of writings from the Complete Reality school, including essays and commentary from such figures as L? Yen, Chang Po-tuan, and Liu I-ming.
Состояние: отличное.
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Tonpa Shenrab Miwo. Four wheels of Bon. Четыре колеса Бон. На английском языке. Kathmandu. Vajra Books. 2015г. 23с. Мягкая обложка, Уменьшенный формат. (ISBN: 978-9937-623-41-4 / 9789937623414)
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Kostick, Москва.) Цена: 110 руб. Купить
Состояние: очень хорошее.
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Vivekananda Swami. Raja-Yoga. Раджа -Йога. Calcutta Studio Printers 1982г. 290с., мягкая бумажная обложка, уменьшенный формат.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Tantama, Челябинск.) Цена: 900 руб. Купить
Описание. Раджа-йога, путь медитации и контроля над разумом, дает научное отношение к философии йоги, описывающее методы концентрации, психического развития и освобождения души от рабства тела. Раджа-йога также включает в себя перевод Свами Вивекананды и комментарии `Йога-афоризмы Патанджали`. Раджа-йога, наряду с карма-йогой Свами Вивекананды, Бхакти-Йогой и Джнана-Йогой, считается классикой и выдающимися трактатами о индуистской философии. Глубокая духовная проницательность Свами, пылкое красноречие и широкая человеческая симпатия сияют в этих работах и вдохновляют всех духовных искателей. Издание с подлинными санскритскими текстами, даются перевод на англ.яз.и анализ ранних санскритских текстов. содержание. Раджа-йога. (Предисловие автора. Введение. Первые шаги. Прана. Психическая прана. Контроль психической праны. Дхьяна и самадхи. Раджа-йога вкратце). Афоизмы йоги Патанджали.
Состояние: оч.хорошее и выше, намечается трещина, раскол по середине, пометки-перевод в некоторых местах бледно карандашом.
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Wayne W. Dyer. Living the Wisdom of the Tao. The Complete Tao Te Ching and Affirmations. Жить Мудростью Дао. Полное Дао Дэ Цзин и подтверджения. На английском языке. Carlsbad. Hay House. 2009г. 192с. Мягкая обложка, Уменьшенный формат. (ISBN: 978-1-4019-2149-1 / 9781401921491)
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Kostick, Москва.) Цена: 300 руб. Купить
`This book offers you an opportunity to internalize and directly experience the great wisdom of the Tao Te Ching, a collection of verses authored by the Chinese prophet Lao-tzu.`The words Tao Te Ching translate to ‘living and applying the Great Way.’ Although just 81 short verses, the Tao encourages you to change your life by literally changing the way you think. By reading through the verses presented here (which I’ve pieced together after reviewing hundreds of translations)—along with the corresponding affirmation I’ve created for each verse—you’ll be embarking on a path that encompasses the profound ideas that Lao-tzu intended to convey.`The Tao Te Ching offers you Divine guidance on virtually every area of human existence. It is a new way of thinking in a world that needs to recapture its ancient teachings. Work with the verses and affirmations regularly and you will come to know the truth behind the ancient Tao observation: When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.` — Dr. Wayne W. Dyer.
Состояние: отличное.
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Witter Bynner. The Way of Life According to Lao Tzu. Путь жизни по Лао-цзы. На английском языке. New York. TarcherPerigee. 1986г. 109с. Мягкая обложка, Обычный формат. (ISBN: 978-0-399-51298-5 / 9780399512985)
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Kostick, Москва.) Цена: 570 руб. Купить
“The eighty-one sayings in this volume shine like gems-cut clear and beautiful in every facet . . . . This translation will stand as the perfect rendering of a classic work.”—John Haynes Holmes. Lao Tzu was one of the greatest mystics of all time. Legend tells us that he was immaculately conceived by a shooting star. Confucius, who met him only once, likened him to a dragon, the one creature in all creation whose ways he would never understand. Some hold that Lao Tzu was not one man but many men, and the work attributed to him, the Tao Teh Ching, the product of many minds over many centuries. But whether or not the Tao Teh Ching, here presented as The Way of Life, is the author’s own matters little. From its original in sixth-century B.C. China it has come down to us as one of the most powerful testaments ever written to man’s fitness in the universe. The basis of Taoism, one of the world’s great religions, the Tao Teh Ching has been translated more frequently than any other work besides the Bible. Articulating the way of poise, serenity, and complete assurance, it teaches us how to work with the invisible forces of nature, the psyche, and the soul for a more successful life. Not passive contemplation, but creative quietism is the Way of Lao Tzu, and it has never been more relevant than it is today.
Состояние: отличное.
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