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Hank Prunckun [Хэнк Прункун] . Counterintelligence Theory and Practice [Теория и практика контрразведки] . (Security and Professional Intelligence Education Series) US Rowman & Littlefield Publishers 2012г. 216c.ил. обложка, увеличенный формат.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Trinity, Санкт-Петербург.) Цена: 1100 руб. Купить
Designed for university students in the burgeoning field of intelligence studies and professional training classes, Counterintelligence Theory and Practice provides all the elements required for a successful counterintelligence operation. Exploring issues relating to national security, military, law enforcement, as well as corporate private affairs, Hank Prunckun uses his experience as a professional to explain both the theoretical basis and practical application for real counterintelligence craft. Each chapter contains key words and phrases and a number of study questions and learning activities that make the book a comprehensive tool for learning how to be a counterintelligence professional.
Состояние: очень хорошее

Harrison E.Salisbury /Харрисон Э. Солсбери. The 900 Days (The Siege of Leningrad). 900 дней (Блокада Ленинграда). New York Harper Row, 1st Ed 1969г. 760с. Обложка, Обычный формат.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Miriskusstva2, Санкт-Петербург.) Цена: 1000 руб. Купить
Состояние: Читалась, потерты края

Harrison E. Salisbury [Харрисон Э. Солсбери] . The 900 Days (The Siege of Leningrad) [900 дней (Блокада Ленинграда)]. New York :  Harper Row; 1st Ed 1969г. xiii, 635c.ил.карт. Суперобложка,твердый, Увеличенный формат.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Trinity, Санкт-Петербург.) Цена: 1300 руб. Купить
The Nazi siege of Leningrad from 1941 to 1943, during which time the city was cut off from the rest of the world, was one of the most gruesome episodes of World War II. In scale, the tragedy of Leningrad dwarfs even the Warsaw ghetto or Hiroshima. Nearly three million people endured it; just under half of them died, starving or freezing to death, most in the six months from October 1941 to April 1942 when the temperature often stayed at 30 degrees below zero. For twenty-five years the distinguished journalist and historian Harrison Salisbury has assembled material for this story. He has interviewed survivors, sifted through the Russian archives, and drawn on his vast experience as a correspondent in the Soviet Union. What he has discovered and imparted in The 900 Days is an epic narrative of villainy and survival, in which the city had as much to fear from Stalin as from Hitler. He concludes his story with the culminating disaster of the Leningrad Affair, a plot hatched by Stalin three years after the war had ended. Almost every official who had been instrumental in the citys survival was implicated, convicted, and executed. Harrison Salisbury has told this overwhelming story boldly, unforgettably, and definitively.
Состояние: хорошее

Harry Ferguson. Operation Kronstadt:[Операция `Кронштадт`:Правдивая история Чести, Шпионажа и спасения Величайшего британского шпиона, Человека с сотней лиц]. The Greatest True Story of Honor, Espionage, and the Rescueof BritainsGreatest Spy, The Man with a Hundred Faces  US The Overlook Press; 2009г. 368c.ил. суперобложка,твердый, увеличенный формат.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Trinity, Санкт-Петербург.) Цена: 1300 руб. Купить
Исследование Гарри Фергюсона `Операция Кронштадт`, заслужившее высокие оценки историков, посвящено обстоятельствам спасения британского шпиона в Петрограде, сразу после Октября /// Paul Dukes - a 30-year-old concert pianist, master of disguise dubbed The Man with a Hundred Faces, and the only English spy in Russia - was cut off in Petrograd after infiltrating the Bolshevik Government and stealing top-secret information. With the government in London desperately in need of the documents in Dukes? possession and the Bolshevik secret police closing in, a seemingly suicidal plan was hatched to rescue Dukes. 29-year-old naval lieutenant Gus Agar and his handpicked team of seven men boarded plywood boats?the fastest naval vessels in existence, most armed with only two machine guns and a single torpedo. They set out for the island fortress of Kronstadt, the most well-defended naval target in Russian, and into the jaws of the Soviet police. Written by a former MI6 officer in the tradition of Agent Zigzag, Operation Kronstadt is an extraordinarily gripping non- fiction thriller.
Состояние: очень хорошее

Harry Hollien [Гарри Холлиен] . The Acoustics of Crime. The New Science of Forensic Phonetics [Акустика преступления. Новая наука судебной фонетики]. US Plenum Press 1990г. 384c.ил.табл. Твердый переплет, увеличенный формат.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Trinity, Санкт-Петербург.) Цена: 3000 руб. Купить
There are many reasons for writing a book; this one was conceived and devel­ oped mainly for two. First, a new area has emerged from within the forensic sciences-that of forensic phonetics. As with all new specialties, it is necessary to define it, identify its boundaries, justify its importance and compile a list of the elements it encompasses. This book attempts to outline these several rela­ tionships. Second, over the past decade I have become fascinated with forensics in general and the rapidly expanded subarea of forensic phonetics in particular. Admittedly, the latter field is one that is not as yet sufficiently appreciated-and much more needs to be known about its nature and extent. Yet, I have found it to be a most enjoyable area of study and my attempts to describe its domains were quite informative. It was especially interesting to struggle with the interfaces between forensic phonetics and related fields, and discover how they overlap. Only a few comments will be made about the books contents here in the preface. For one thing, they are described in some detail in the first chapter.
Состояние: очень хорошее,

Harwood M. Internet Security. How to Defend Against Attackers on the Web Jones&Bartlett 2011г. мягкий переплет, увеличенный формат.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Sputnik, Москва.) Цена: 5000 руб. Купить
Библиотека А.Клепова. Информационная безопасность России.
Состояние: нечитанное - 0
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Haufler H. Codebreakers Victory:. How the Allied Cryptographers Won World War II New American Library 2003г. мягкий переплет, обычный формат.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Sputnik, Москва.) Цена: 1000 руб. Купить
Библиотека А.Клепова. Информационная безопасность России.
Состояние: нечитанное - 0
Смотрите: фото

Haynes, John, Klehr, Harvey [Хейнс, Джон, Клер, Харви] . In Denial: Historians, Communism, and Espionage [В отрицании: Историки, коммунизм и шпионаж] . US Encounter Books 2003г. 316c. суперобложка,твердый, Увеличенный формат.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Trinity, Санкт-Петербург.) Цена: 1200 руб. Купить
Beginning in the late 1960s, John Earl Haynes and Harvey Klehr say, the study of communism in America was taken over by `revisionists` who have attempted to portray the U.S. as the aggressor in the Cold War and saw suspicion about the American Communist Party (CPUSA) as baseless `paranoia.` In this intriguing book, they show how, years after the death of communism, the leading historical journals and many prominent historians continue to teach that Americas rejection of the Party was a tragic error, that American Communists were actually unsung heroes working for democratic ideals, and that those anti-Communist liberals and conservatives who drove the CPUSA to the margins of American politics in the 1950s were malicious figures deserving condemnation. The focus of `In Denial` is what the authors call `lying about spying.` Haynes and Klehr examine the ways in which revisionist scholars have ignored or distorted new evidence from recently-opened Russian archives about espionage links between Moscow and the CPUSA. They analyze the mythology that continues to suggest, against all evidence, that Alger Hiss, Julius Rosenberg, Harry Dexter White, Lauchlin Currie, and others who betrayed the United States were more sinned against than sinning. They set the record straight about the spies among us. Haynes and Klehr were the first U.S. historians who used the newly opened archives of the former Soviet Union to examine the history of American communism. `In Denial` is the record of what they discovered there. They show that while the international communist movement may be dead, conflict over the meaning of the communist experience in America is still very much with us.
Состояние: очень хорошее

Heilbrunn, Otto [Хайльбрунн, Отто] . The Soviet secret services [Советские секретные службы] . First edition. US F. Praeger; NY,  1956г. 216c. суперобложка,твердый, Увеличенный формат.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Trinity, Санкт-Петербург.) Цена: 2000 руб. Купить
This book, first published in 1956, analyses the Red Army’s strategic planning for a war involving nuclear weapons – whereby the front line is thinned out to protect it from nuclear attack and replaced by large-scale offensive operations in NATO’s rear. This new warfare technique had been successfully practised in WWII by Soviet partisan and guerrilla forces, and this book examines these foundations of Soviet secret services doctrine, and the principles by which they would operate.
Состояние: хорошее

Helen Augur [Хелен Авгур] ,. The Secret War of Independence [Тайная война за независимость] . US  Duell, Sloan and Pearce - Little Brown, 1955г. xiv .381c. твердый, издательский переплет, Увеличенный формат.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Trinity, Санкт-Петербург.) Цена: 1500 руб. Купить
Состояние: очень хорошее,

Henderson, Robert DA. Brasseys International Intelligence Yearbook: 2003 Edition [Ежегодник международной разведки Брасси: издание 2003]. Washington, DC Potomac Books Inc.; 2003г. 400c.ил. Твердый переплет, Увеличенный формат.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Trinity, Санкт-Петербург.) Цена: 1200 руб. Купить
Brasseys International Intelligence Yearbook includes profiles of the intelligence communities in more than fifty countries, with more than half of the total being completely original to this 2003 edition. Robert Henderson presents extended and updated country studies of the United States, Russia, India, Taiwan, and Pakistan, among others. Shorter country briefings outline the intelligence apparatus of such countries as Afghanistan, Syria, Vietnam, and Saudi Arabia. Each country’s profile covers its foreign, domestic, military, and technical intelligence branches, and many entries include organizational charts that show the relationship between the national intelligence services and the executive branch of government. This respected reference book provides an indispensable resource for government officials, intelligence practitioners, scholars, research librarians, news agencies, and intelligence junkies.
Состояние: очень хорошее

Henry C Cassidy [Кэссиди Генри Кларенс] . Moscow Dateline: 1941 - 1943 [ Москва 1941 -1943 .Мемуары] Boston, Houghton Mifflin Co 1943г. : ix, [1] с., 1 л., 374, [1] с.ил.карт. твердый издательский переплет, Увеличенный формат.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Trinity, Санкт-Петербург.) Цена: 2000 руб. Купить
Contents 1. The Last Winter of Peace 1 2. Russia on the Eve 3. Ivan Goes to War 38 4. Three Weeks of War 55 5. The Experts Exposed 69 6. Bombing of Moscow 82 7. With the Red Army 103 8. Caviar Conference 124 9. Ticket to Kuibyshev 142 10. Battle of Moscow 161 11. General Winter 179 12. Interlude in Iran 199 13. 1942 Campaign 218 14. Churchill vs. Stalin 240 15. Willkie and Stalin 255 16. Letter from Stalin 269 17. Happy Ending 284 18. Moscow House-Moving 304 19. The Battle of Stalingrad 324 20. A Toast to the Future 350 Index 369
Состояние: очень хорошее

Henry M. Alden Alfred H. Guernsey [Генри М. Олден Альфред Х. Гернси] . Harpers Pictorial History of The Civil War, Contemporary Accounts and Illustrations from the Greatest Magazine of the Time [Иллюстрированная история Гражданской войны в США] with 1000 scenes, maps, plans and portrait  US The Fairfax Press; 1977г. 836с.ил.карт.схем Суперобложка, твердый переплет, Энциклопедический формат,.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Trinity, Санкт-Петербург.) Цена: 6000 руб. Купить
First published in 1866, the lavishly subtitled Harper’s Pictorial History of the Civil War: Contemporary Accounts and Illustrations from the Greatest Magazine of the Time, with 1000 scenes maps, plans and portraits comprises 836 large-scale pages. The anthology’s editors, Alfred H. Guernsey (Harper’s Magazine editor from 1856 to 1869) and Henry Mills Alden (editor from 1869 to 1919), described their aims in its preface: We have undertaken to write the History of the Great Conspiracy which finally culminated in the Great Rebellion of the United States. Our task was commenced during the agony of the great struggle, when no man could foretell its issue. We purposed at the outset to narrate events just as they occurred; to speak of living men as impartially as though they were dead; to praise no man unduly because he strove for the right, to malign no man because he strove for the wrong; to anticipate, as far as we might, the sure verdict of after ages upon events.
Состояние: очень хорошее.

Hoog A., Strzempka K.  iPhone and iOS Forensics. Investigation, Analysis and Mobile Security for Apple iPhone, iPad and iOS Devices Focal Press 2011г. мягкий переплет, увеличенный формат.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Sputnik, Москва.) Цена: 1500 руб. Купить
Библиотека А.Клепова. Информационная безопасность России.
Состояние: почти отличное - 2
Смотрите: фото

Hopfner Jurgen. Verhangnis vor Elysium. Kriminalroman. Berlin Verlag Das Neue Berlin 1985г. 26 c. Твердый в суперобложке., Обычный формат.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Brada, Москва.) Цена: 150 руб. Купить
Состояние: Отличное, супер - хорошее.

Hough, Harold [Хью, Гарольд]. Practical Guide to Photographic Intelligence [Практическое руководство по фоторазведке] . US Loompanics Unlimited. 1990г. 138c.ил.схем. издательская обложка, Обычный формат.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Trinity, Санкт-Петербург.) Цена: 1200 руб. Купить
A guide to taking and interpreting surveillance photographs. Learn how to: Take useful photos of objects miles away, and determine their dimensions; Read documents burned to an ash; Take aerial photographs; Use infrared light to capture invisible images; Legally use surveillance photographs for commercial purposes, and much more.
Состояние: очень хорошее

Huchthausen, Peter A., Sheldon-Duplaix, Alexandre [Питер Хухтхаузен, Александр Шелдон-Дюпле] . Hide and Seek: The Untold Story of Cold War Naval Espionage [Игра в Прятки: Нерассказанная история морского шпионажа времен холодной войны] . UK Wiley; 1 ed 2009г. 432c.ил. суперобложка,твердый, увеличенный формат.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Trinity, Санкт-Петербург.) Цена: 1300 руб. Купить
Through dramatic incidents tells for the first time the full story of the development of Cold War naval intelligence from the end of WWII to the breakup the Soviet Union in 1991, from both sides, East and West. Unlike other accounts, which focus on submarine confrontations and accidents, the authors cover all types of naval intelligence, human collection (racing with the Soviets to capture Nazi subs, successful and losing spies and defectors), signal intelligence (surface, air, satellite and navy commando teams in balaclavas launched by speed boats from subs), acoustic (passive underwater arrays and tapping phone lines), and the aerial and space reconnaissance. The authors give details of operations in all these areas, some of which were witnessed first hand.
Состояние: очень хорошее

Hurley W., Stolarz A., Stolarz D., Jurick D. iPhone Hacks. Pushing the iPhone and iPod Touch Beyond Their O`Reilly 2009г. мягкий переплет, увеличенный формат.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Sputnik, Москва.) Цена: 500 руб. Купить
Библиотека А.Клепова. Информационная безопасность России.
Состояние: нечитанное - 0
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Ian Mortimer. The Time Travelers Guide to Medieval England:[Путеводитель путешественника во времени по Средневековой Англии: Справочник для посетителей Четырнадцатого века]. A Handbook for Visitors to the Fourteenth Century UK Touchstone; 2011г. 352c.ил. суперобложка,твердый, увеличенный формат.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Trinity, Санкт-Петербург.) Цена: 1500 руб. Купить
The past is a foreign country. This is your guidebook. A time machine has just transported you back into the fourteenth century. What do you see? How do you dress? How do you earn a living and how much are you paid? What sort of food will you be offered by a peasant or a monk or a lord? And more important, where will you stay?
Состояние: очень хорошее

Igor V. Domaradskij [Игорь В. Домарадский] . Biowarrior: Inside the Soviet/Russian Biological War Machine [Биологическая война: Внутри советской/российской биологической военной машины] . N.Y. : Prometheus Books 2003г. 250c.ил. суперобложка,твердый, увеличенный формат.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Trinity, Санкт-Петербург.) Цена: 1300 руб. Купить
This extraordinary memoir by a leading Russian scientist who worked for decades at the nerve center of the top-secret `Biopreparat` offers a chilling look into the biological weapons program of the former Soviet Union, vestiges of which still exist today in the Russian Federal Republic. Igor Domaradskij calls himself an `inconvenient man`: a dedicated scientist but a nonconformist who was often in conflict with government and military apparatchiks. In this book he reveals the deadly nature of the research he participated in for almost fifteen years.
Состояние: очень хорошее

Igor Gouzenko [Игорь Гузенко] . The Iron Curtain: Inside Stalins Spy Ring [Железный занавес: Внутри шпионской сети Сталина] . NY E.P. Dutton; 1st ed 1948г. VII, 279 с.;  твердый переплет, увеличенный формат.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Trinity, Санкт-Петербург.) Цена: 3000 руб. Купить
Деятельность шифровальщика посольства СССР в Оттаве И. Гузенко (перешел на Запад в сентябре 1945 года) по вскрытию и передаче канадским властям методов работы советской разведки в Канаде и ее местных агентов ///The dramatic Autobiography of the Man whose work in the Soviet Code Room led to the Exposure of Stalins Atomic Spies in Canada.
Состояние: хорошее

Ivanov, Nikolai [Иванов, Николай] . What is th G.P.U.? [Что такое ГПУ ?] 1st ed , Milwaukee, Wisconsin, The Victims of Marxian Plague 1938г. 24c. издательская обложка, увеличенный формат.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Trinity, Санкт-Петербург.) Цена: 10000 руб. Купить
 Очень редкая брошюра, американского издательства `Жертвы марксистской чумы `/// very anti-Semitic, Anti-Bolshevik/Communist pamphlet. 
Состояние: хорошее

J. Mader, G. Stuchlik, H. Pehnert Dr. Sorge funkt aus Tokyo./ Доктор Зорге передает из Токио. На немецком языке. Берлин Военное издательство 1976г. 408 с., илл., твердый переплет, обычный формат.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Vitaly, Санкт-Петербург.) Цена: 400 руб. Купить
Много фотографий, иллюстраций, карт.
Состояние: очень хорошее, книга в суперобложке
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J. Mader. Dr. Sorge - report./ Доклад доктора Зорге. На немецком языке. Берлин Военное издательство 1986г. 560 с., илл. твердый переплет, обычный формат.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Vitaly, Санкт-Петербург.) Цена: 400 руб. Купить
Много фотографий, иллюстраций, карт.
Состояние: очень хорошее, книга в суперобложке
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Jack Luger [Джек Люгер] . Counterfeit I.D. Made Easy [Поддельное Удостоверение Личности :пошаговое руководство] . US Loompanics Unlimited 1990г. 132c.ил. издательская картонная обложка, обычный формат.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Trinity, Санкт-Петербург.) Цена: 2000 руб. Купить
С пошаговыми инструкциями это руководство по подделке описывает различные методы подделки .Полное руководство по созданию собственного удостоверения личности Используя общие инструменты и легкодоступные материалы, вы можете сделать удостоверения личности с фотографиями, водительские права, свидетельства о рождении и многое другое. Включает иллюстрации методов подделки заканчивая советами по использованию, удостоверения личности, которое вы создаете. Написанная профессионалом в области полиграфии, эта книга перенесет вас в подвалы и мастерские профессиональных фальсификаторов.We believe each citizen owes it to himself to find out as much about ID cards as he can, as a matter of self-defense. This section will remove the mystery from ID cards and reveal the governments paper reality for what it really is: Only Paper. In this section you will find out all you ever wanted to know about Fake ID, from the best ways to get it from the government, to how to make your own, to make-up and plastic surgery.`With step-by-step instructions, this counterfeit manual outlines various forgery techniques`
Состояние: очень хорошее,

James Bamford. The Shadow Factory. The Ultra-Secret NSA from 9/11 to the Eavesdropping on America Doubleyday 2009г. твердый переплет, увеличенный формат.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Sputnik, Москва.) Цена: 800 руб. Купить
Библиотека А.Клепова. Информационная безопасность России.
Состояние: отличное - 1
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James D. Calder [Джеймс Колдер] . Intelligence, espionage and related topics  [Разведка, шпионаж и смежные темы: аннотированная библиография серийных и журнальных исследований, 1844-1998] : an annotated bibliography of serial, journal, and magazine scholarship, 1844-1998 NY Greenwood; New ed. 1999г. 1330c. твердый переплет, увеличенный формат.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Trinity, Санкт-Петербург.) Цена: 7000 руб. Купить
Calder provides an annotated bibliography of more than 10,000 citations on intelligence, intelligence services, espionage, and related national or domestic security issues published in serial journal article form, mainly in English language sources, from 1844 onward. Many citations to journals in other languages are also cited. The majority of citations are annotated, but non-annotated titles contain information sufficiently clear to indicate the nature of the contents. Citations are arranged alphabetically by author, and all co-authors are indexed.
Состояние: очень хорошее

James D Ladd; H Keith Melton [Джеймс Д. Лэдд; Х. Кит Мелтон]; Clandestine warfare : weapons and equipment of the SOE and OSS.[Тайная война : оружие и снаряжение Сил Специальных операций] . London ; New York : Blandford Press  1988г. 160c.цв.ил. суперобложка,твердый, Энциклопедический формат.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Trinity, Санкт-Петербург.) Цена: 2500 руб. Купить
На форзаце дарственная и автограф одного из авторов книги Кита Мелтона- (Выпускник Военно-морской академии США, историк разведки и специалист по секретным технологиям и шпионскому ремеслу)
Состояние: очень хорошее,

James F. Dunnigan [Джеймс Ф. Данниган] . How to make war[ Как вести войну, Всеобъемлющее руководство по современной войне в двадцать первом веке.] 4th ed. a comprehensive guide to modern warfare in the twenty-first century  New York : Quill, 2003г. 670c.ил. издательская обложка, Увеличенный формат.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Trinity, Санкт-Петербург.) Цена: 1000 руб. Купить
Состояние: очень хорошее

James Critchlow [ Джеймс Критчлоу ]. Radio Hole-In-The-Head: Radio Liberty,[Радио Дырка В Голове: Радио Свобода] US American University Press, 2009г. 192c. обложка, увеличенный формат.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Trinity, Санкт-Петербург.) Цена: 1200 руб. Купить
Radio Hole in the Head: Radio Liberty: An Insiders Story of Cold War Broadcasting,How a Russian-speaking young American helped set up a radio station in Germany that won over unfriendly Soviet audiences to become a major player in the Cold War. In breezy, anecdotal style, focuses on the colorful Russian partners who helped in this success. Lessons for todays failed U.S. efforts to reach hostile Muslims-a different audience but subject to the same human stimuli.
Состояние: очень хорошее

Jamison Jo Medby, Russell W. Glenn [Джамисон Медби. Расселл Гленн ] Street Smart: Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield for Urban Operations  [Разведывательная подготовка поля боя к городским операциям]. NY RAND Corporation; 2002г. 178c.ил. обложка, обычный формат.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Trinity, Санкт-Петербург.) Цена: 2000 руб. Купить
Offers enhancements to the intelligence preparation of the battlefield (IPB) process to improve its usefulness for urban operations.
Состояние: очень хорошее

Janusz Piekalkiewicz [Януш Пекалкевич] . Weltgeschichte der Spionage. Agenten, Systeme, Aktionen [Всемирная история шпионажа. Агенты, системы, акции] Koln Suedwest Verlag 1988г. 568c.ил. Суперобложка, твердый, увеличенный формат.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Trinity, Санкт-Петербург.) Цена: 700 руб. Купить
Состояние: хорошее

Jason Andress and Steve Winterfeld. Cyber Warfare. Techniques, Tactics and Tools for Security Practitioners Sungress 1995г. мягкий переплет, увеличенный формат.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Sputnik, Москва.) Цена: 1600 руб. Купить
Библиотека А.Клепова. Информационная безопасность России.
Состояние: нечитанное - 0
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Jeffrey T. Richelson [Джеффри Т. Ричельсон] . The US Intelligence Community [Разведывательное сообщество США]. US Westview Press, 1999г. xvi-526c. обложка, увеличенный формат.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Trinity, Санкт-Петербург.) Цена: 1000 руб. Купить
The role of intelligence in US government operations has changed dramatically and is now more critical than ever to domestic security and foreign policy. This authoritative and highly researched book provides a detailed overview of Americas vast intelligence empire—its organizations, its operations (from spies on the ground to satellites thousands of miles in space), and its management structure. Relying on a multitude of sources, including hundreds of official documents, author Jeffrey T. Richelson provides an up-to-date picture that will allow students to understand the full scope of the US intelligence communitys organizations and activities and give valuable support to policymakers and military operations. Fully revised throughout, the sixth edition of this definitive text includes new material on intelligence organization, foreign and domestic intelligence collection and analysis, covert action, and cooperation with foreign intelligence services.
Состояние: хорошее

Jeffrey T. Richelson [Джеффри Т. Ричельсон] . The US Intelligence Community [Разведывательное сообщество США]. US Westview Press, 2012г. xvi-604c. обложка, увеличенный формат.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Trinity, Санкт-Петербург.) Цена: 1000 руб. Купить
The role of intelligence in US government operations has changed dramatically and is now more critical than ever to domestic security and foreign policy. This authoritative and highly researched book provides a detailed overview of Americas vast intelligence empire—its organizations, its operations (from spies on the ground to satellites thousands of miles in space), and its management structure. Relying on a multitude of sources, including hundreds of official documents, author Jeffrey T. Richelson provides an up-to-date picture that will allow students to understand the full scope of the US intelligence communitys organizations and activities and give valuable support to policymakers and military operations. Fully revised throughout, the sixth edition of this definitive text includes new material on intelligence organization, foreign and domestic intelligence collection and analysis, covert action, and cooperation with foreign intelligence services.
Состояние: очень хорошее

Jeffrey T. Richelson [Джеффри Т. Ричельсон] . The US Intelligence Community [Разведывательное сообщество США] . The seventh edition NY Routledge; 7 th. ed 2016г. 647c.ил. издательская картонная обложка, увеличенный формат.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Trinity, Санкт-Петербург.) Цена: 2800 руб. Купить
The role of intelligence in US government operations has changed dramatically and is now more critical than ever to domestic security and foreign policy. This authoritative and highly researched book written by Jeffrey T. Richelson provides a detailed overview of Americas vast intelligence empire, from its organizations and operations to its management structure. Drawing from a multitude of sources, including hundreds of official documents, The US Intelligence Community allows students to understand the full scope of intelligence organizations and activities, and gives valuable support to policymakers and military operations.The seventh edition has been fully revised to include a new chapter on the major issues confronting the intelligence community, including secrecy and leaks, domestic spying, and congressional oversight, as well as revamped chapters on signals intelligence and cyber collection, geospatial intelligence, and open sources. The inclusion of more maps, tables and photos, as well as electronic briefing books on the books Web site, makes The US Intelligence Community an even more valuable and engaging resource for students.
Состояние: очень хорошее

Jerrold and Leona Schecter [Джерролд и Леона Шектер] . Sacred Secrets: How Soviet Intelligence Operations Changed American History.[Священные Тайны: Как операции Советской Разведки изменили Американскую историю]. Washington, DC: Brasseys  2002г. 438c.ил. суперобложка,твердый, увеличенный формат.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Trinity, Санкт-Петербург.) Цена: 1200 руб. Купить
In the last decade of the twentieth century, newly opened classified archives revealed a series of “sacred secrets” that survivors of the Cold War had sworn to carry to their graves. These revelations have challenged our understanding of significant historical events. In Sacred Secrets, Jerrold and Leona Schecter add documents recently obtained in Russia and information from original interviews to cast new light on the reasons for the attack on Pearl Harbor, atomic espionage, Alger Hiss, McCarthyism, and the Rosenberg case, among others. The Schecters also reveal details of their own exposure to the world of sacred secrets.
Состояние: очень хорошее

Joachim Fest [Иоахим Фест] . Inside Hitlers Bunker: The Last Days of the Third Reich [Внутри бункера Гитлера: Последние дни Третьего рейха] . NY Farrar, Straus and Giroux; 1st ed 2004г. 208c.ил. суперобложка,твердый, увеличенный формат.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Trinity, Санкт-Петербург.) Цена: 800 руб. Купить
There is nothing in recent history that comes close to the cataclysmic events of the spring of 1945. Never before has the defeat of a nation been accompanied by such monumental loss of life, such utter destruction. Author Joachim Fest shows that the devastation was the result of Hitlers determination to take the entire country down with him; he would make sure that his enemies would find only a wasteland, where once there was a thriving civilization.
Состояние: очень хорошее

John C. Schmeidel, [Джон К. Шмейдель] . Stasi: Shield and Sword of the Party (Studies in Intelligence) [ШТАЗИ: Щит и меч партии (Исследования в области разведки)] . UK Routledge; 2007г. 240c. твердый переплет, увеличенный формат.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Trinity, Санкт-Петербург.) Цена: 1400 руб. Купить
The East German Stasi was a jewel among the communist secret services, the most trusted by its Russian mother organization the KGB, and even more efficient. In its attempt at ‘total coverage’ of civil society, the Ministry for State Security came close to realizing the totalitarian ideal of a political police force. Based on research in archival files unlocked just after the fall of the Berlin Wall and available to few German and Western readers, this volume details the Communist Party’s attempt to control all aspects of East German civil society, and sets out what is known of the regime’s support for international terrorism in the 1970s and 1980s.
Состояние: очень хорошее

John V. Fleming [Джон Флеминг] The Anti-Communist Manifestos: Four Books That Shaped the Cold War [Антикоммунистические манифесты: Четыре книги, которые сформировали Холодную войну] . NY W W Norton, 2009г. 364c.ил. суперобложка,твердый, увеличенный формат.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Trinity, Санкт-Петербург.) Цена: 1400 руб. Купить
Fleming isn’t precisely apolitical. His four subjects had to break with the intellectual contortions that orthodox party-line Communists used in reconciling the brutal realities of Stalin’s USSR with the utopian ideal it was presumably building to. Their intellectual defection wrought all kinds of intellectual havoc. Koestler’s Darkness and Jan Valtin’s Out Of The Night were published before the U.S. entered World War II, Victor Kravchenko’s I Choose Freedom and Whittaker Chambers’ Witness after. Koestler and Valtin were conveniently forgotten for the duration of America’s alliance with the USSR; Kravchenko and Chambers played to an American public already primed to fear the red menace. Fleming traces the influence of these four books not just on the rightward drift of American popular thought, but on how they changed European liberal thought as well, especially in France. His description of “L’affaire Kravchenko”—Kravchenko’s 1948 lawsuit against his most vigorous Communist French attack dogs—is a highlight, anatomizing how French leftist thought struggled to find a new model of governance while the post-war liberal iron was still hot.
Состояние: очень хорошее

John Dickie[Джон Дикки] . Blood Brotherhoods: A History of Italys Three Mafias [Кровные братства: История трех итальянских мафий] . US PublicAffairs;  2014г. 800c.ил. Суперобложка, твердый переплет, увеличенный формат.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Trinity, Санкт-Петербург.) Цена: 1400 руб. Купить
The Sicilian mafia, known as Cosa Nostra, is far from being Italys only dangerous criminal fraternity. The country hosts two other major mafias: the camorra from Naples; and, from the poor and isolated region of Calabria, the mysterious ndrangheta, which has now risen to become the most powerful mob group active today.
Состояние: очень хорошее

Joseph H. Wherry.[Джозеф Х. Уэрри] . Red blueprint for the conquest of America, [Красный план завоевания Америки] ,  San Antonio , Naylor Co.  1964г. xviii, 240 c.ил.карт. твердый, издательский переплет, Увеличенный формат.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Trinity, Санкт-Петербург.) Цена: 1500 руб. Купить
Состояние: очень хорошее, списанный библ.экз из Fort Myers Флорида

Joseph Bermudez [Джозеф Бермудес] . North Korean Special Forces [Силы специальных операций КНДР] . London Jane 1988г. 190c.ил.карт. Суперобложка, твердый, увеличенный формат.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Trinity, Санкт-Петербург.) Цена: 1500 руб. Купить
Состояние: очень хорошее,

Jozef Garlinski [Юзеф Гарлинский] . The Swiss Corridor: [Швейцарский коридор: Шпионские сети в Швейцарии во время Второй мировой войны] . Espionage Networks in Switzerland During World War II London J M Dent Sons Ltd 1981г. 18,.222c.ил. Суперобложка, твердый, увеличенный формат.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Trinity, Санкт-Петербург.) Цена: 1300 руб. Купить
Состояние: хорошее

Judd A. The Quest for C. Mansfield Cumming and the Founding of the Secret Service HarperCollins Publishers 1999г. твердый переплет, увеличенный формат.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Sputnik, Москва.) Цена: 600 руб. Купить
Библиотека А.Клепова. Информационная безопасность России.
Состояние: почти отличное, потертости - 2
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Kaiser III, Martin, Stokes, Robert S. [Кайзер III, Мартин] Odyssey of an Eavesdropper: My Life in Electronic Countermeasures and My Battle Against the FBI [Одиссея шпиона. Моя жизнь в мире радиоэлектронных операций и моя битва против ФБР] . NY Carroll & Graf,  2006г. 368c.ил. суперобложка,твердый, Увеличенный формат.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Trinity, Санкт-Петербург.) Цена: 900 руб. Купить
Martin Kaiser is a legend within the nations covert electronic surveillance fraternity. With a hot-wired transmitter the size of a pea, Kaiser built devices that could bring down a government, prevent a terrorist attack, or provide blackmail for a government agency to smear a well-known American Civil Rights leader. Now, in Odyssey of an Eavesdropper, he steps from the shadows of national security to tell his own story-a journey from an abusive childhood in a Pennsylvania coal-mining town to icon status in the black ops world of U.S. spy operations as the premier producer of electronic surveillance gadgets and dirty tricks, and then his battle for professional and emotional survival with the FBI bent on his destruction. Kaisers clients included the FBI, the CIA, DEA, Secret Service, Army, Navy and Air Force Intelligence, as well as foreign intelligence services. However, as a result of his testimony before the National Wiretap Commission in 1975, the FBI began a vendetta against Kaiser, nearly driving his business into bankruptcy and resulting in his eventual indictment on charge of illegal wiretapping, conspiracy and transporting an illegal eavesdropping device across state lines. Acquitted of all charges and having reinvented himself, Kaiser tells his tale.
Состояние: очень хорошее

Karl Baedeker [Карл Бедекер] . London and Its Environs: Handbook for Travellers .[Лондон и его окрестности: Справочник для путешественников. С 10 картами и 19 планами] Sixteenth Revised Edition Leipzig: Karl Baedeker. London : T. Fisher Unwin  1911г.  xxxviii, 453pp, 50 maps and 19 plans,с. твердый издательский переплет, уменьшенный формат.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Trinity, Санкт-Петербург.) Цена: 2500 руб. Купить
Карты и планы выполнены в цвете.Указатели названий улиц Лондона со схемой движения всего общественного транспорта, подробнейшие планы и разворачивающиеся цветные карты Лондона и окрестностей, планы знаменитых архитектурных памятников
Состояние: переплет выцвел,потертости,текст и карты в порядке

Karl Tobien [Карл Тобиен] . Dancing Under the Red Star.[Танцы Под Красной Звездой. Необыкновенная история Маргарет Вернер, Единственной американки, пережившей сталинский Гулаг] . The Extraordinary Story of Margaret Werner, the Only American Woman to Survive Stalins Gulag. US WaterBrook Press, 2006г. 388c.ил. обложка, увеличенный формат.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Trinity, Санкт-Петербург.) Цена: 900 руб. Купить
Between 1930 and 1932, Henry Ford sent 450 of his Detroit employees plus their families to live in Gorky, Russia, to operate a new manufacturing facility. This is the true story of one of those families–Carl and Elisabeth Werner and their young daughter Margaret–and their terrifying life in Russia under brutal dictator Joseph Stalin.
Состояние: очень хорошее

Katz J., Lindell Y. Introduction to modern cryptography. Chapman 2008г. твердый переплет, увеличенный формат.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Sputnik, Москва.) Цена: 3000 руб. Купить
Библиотека А.Клепова. Информационная безопасность России.
Состояние: нечитанное - 0
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Keefe P. Chatter. Uncovering the Echelon Surveillance Network and the Secret World of Global Eavesdropping Randon House 2006г. мягкий переплет, обычный формат.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Sputnik, Москва.) Цена: 1200 руб. Купить
Библиотека А.Клепова. Информационная безопасность России.
Состояние: нечитанное - 0
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Keith Martin. Everyday Cryptography. Fundamental Principles and Applications Oxford 2012г. мягкий переплет, увеличенный формат.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Sputnik, Москва.) Цена: 1800 руб. Купить
Библиотека А.Клепова. Информационная безопасность России.
Состояние: нечитанное - 0
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Kenneth Sewell, Clint Richmond [ Кеннет Сьюэлл . Клинт Ричмонд] . Red Star Rogue: [ Краснозвездный оборотень: Нерассказанная история попытки ядерного удара советской подводной лодки по США.] . The untold story of a Soviet submarines nuclear strike attempt on the U.S  NY Simon & Schuster 2005г. 308c.ил. Суперобложка, твердый, увеличенный формат.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Trinity, Санкт-Петербург.) Цена: 1300 руб. Купить
March 7, 1968: Several hundred miles northwest of Hawaii, the nuclear-armed K-129 surfaces and then sinks; all of its crewmen and officers perish at sea. Who was commanding the rogue Russian sub? What was its target? How did it infiltrate American waters undetected? Navy veteran Kenneth Sewell, drawing from newly declassified documents and extensive confidential interviews, exposes the stunning truth behind an operation calculated to provoke war between the U.S. and China -- a nightmare scenario averted by only seconds. In full, authoritative detail, Red Star Rogue illuminates this history-shaping event -- and rings with chilling relevance in light of todays terrorist threat.
Состояние: очень хорошее

Kirsten A. Seaver [Кирстен А. Сивер]. Maps, Myths, and Men: The Story of the Vinland Map [Карты, мифы и люди: История карты Винланда] . US Stanford University Press; 1er ed 2004г. 480c.ил. издательская обложка, Увеличенный формат.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Trinity, Санкт-Петербург.) Цена: 1600 руб. Купить
[`Карта Винланда` впервые появилась на антикварном рынке в 1957 году, и с тех пор подлинность карты горячо обсуждается]. The `Vinland Map` first surfaced on the antiquarian market in 1957 and the maps authenticity has been hotly debated ever since in controversies ranging from the anomalous composition of the ink and the maps lack of provenance to a plethora of historical and cartographical riddles. Maps, Myths, and Men is the first work to address the full range of this debate. Focusing closely on what the map in fact shows, the book contains a critique of the 1965 work The Vinland Map and the Tartar Relation; scrutinizes the marketing strategies used in 1957; and covers many aspects of the map that demonstrate it is a modern fake, such as literary evidence and several scientific ink analyses performed between 1967 and 2002. The author explains a number of the riddles and provides evidence for both the identity of the mapmaker and the source of the parchment used, and she applies current knowledge of medieval Norse culture and exploration to counter widespread misinformation about Norse voyages to North America and about the Norse world picture.
Состояние: очень хорошее

Kisak, Paul F., Carlisle, Rodney P [Кисак, Пол Ф., Карлайл, Родни П.] . Encyclopedia of Intelligence and Counterintelligence [Энциклопедия разведки и контрразведки . Комплект в двух томах] . US M E Sharpe Inc  2005г. XXXII..750c.52c.ил. Твердый переплет, энциклопедический формат.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Trinity, Санкт-Петербург.) Цена: 15000 руб. Купить
From references to secret agents in The Art of War in 400 B.C.E. to the Bush administrations ongoing War on Terrorism, espionage has always been an essential part of state security policies. This illustrated encyclopedia traces the fascinating stories of spies, intelligence, and counterintelligence throughout history, both internationally and in the United States. Written specifically for students and general readers by scholars, former intelligence officers, and other experts, Encyclopedia of Intelligence and Counterintelligence provides a unique background perspective for viewing history and current events. In easy-to-understand, non-technical language, it explains how espionage works as a function of national policy; traces the roots of national security; profiles key intelligence leaders, agents, and double-agents; discusses intelligence concepts and techniques; and profiles the security organizations and intelligence history and policies of nations around the world. As a special feature, the set also includes forewords by former CIA Director Robert M. Gates and former KGB Major General Oleg Kalugin that help clarify the evolution of intelligence and counterintelligence and their crucial roles in world affairs today.
Состояние: очень хорошее

Kristie Macrakis, Thomas Wegener Friis, Helmut Muller-Enbergs [Томас Вегенер Фриис]. East German Foreign Intelligence: Myth, Reality and Controversy [Внешняя разведка Восточной Германии: Миф, реальность и противоречия] . NY Routledge; 1ed 2009г. 248c. Твердый переплет, Увеличенный формат.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Trinity, Санкт-Петербург.) Цена: 1200 руб. Купить
The contributors broaden the conventional view of East German foreign intelligence as driven by the inter-German conflict to include its targeting of the United States, northern European and Scandinavian countries, highlighting areas that have previously received scant attention, like scientific-technical and military intelligence. The CIA’s underestimation of the HVA was a major intelligence failure. As a result, East German intelligence served as a stealth weapon against the US, West German and NATO targets, acquiring the lion’s share of critical Warsaw Pact intelligence gathered during the Cold War. This book explores how though all of the CIA’s East German sources were double agents controlled by the Ministry of State Security, the CIA was still able to declare victory in the Cold War. Themes and topics that run through the volume include the espionage wars; the HVAs relationship with the Russian KGB; successes and failures of the BND (West German Federal Intelligence Service) in East Germany; the CIA and the HVA; the HVA in countries outside of West Germany; disinformation and the role and importance of intelligence gathering in East Germany.
Состояние: очень хорошее

Landau S. Surveillance or Security?: The Risks Posed by New Wiretapping Technologies  The MIT Press 2010г. твердый переплет, увеличенный формат.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Sputnik, Москва.) Цена: 600 руб. Купить
Библиотека А.Клепова. Информационная безопасность России.
Состояние: нечитанное - 0
Смотрите: фото

Landau Susan. Surveillance or Security? Apress 2013г. твердый переплет, увеличенный формат.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Sputnik, Москва.) Цена: 1500 руб. Купить
Библиотека А.Клепова. Информационная безопасность России.
Состояние: нечитанное - 0
Смотрите: фото

Lazitch, Branko, Drachkovitch, Milorad M.[Лазич, Бранко, Драчкович, Милорад М.] . Biographical Dictionary of the Comintern: [Коминтерн :Биографический словарь Коминтерна: Новое Пересмотренное и Расширенное издание]. New Revised and Expanded Edition Stanford, Calif. Hoover Institution Press 1986г. lv, 532c. Твердый переплет, увеличенный формат.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Trinity, Санкт-Петербург.) Цена: 30000 руб. Купить
To acquaint the users of the new edition with the original spirit and methodolgy of compiling the Biographical Dictionary, we have left intact the original Introduction and the Guide to Abbreviations. Much else has been changed, added, or cut out in the remaining parts of the volume: the list of biographies, the list of pseudonyms, and the text of individual biographies themselves. To express in figures the scope of change: 35 completely new biographies have been written, escalating the total number of biographies from 718 to 753; whereas the original edition identified 358 pseudonyms, that numer is now 435; and, in 229 biographies that appeared in the first edition, several corrective or additional facts have been supplied.
Состояние: очень хорошее

Lazitch, Branko, Drachkovitch, Milorad M.[Лазич, Бранко, Драчкович, Милорад М.] . Biographical Dictionary of the Comintern: [Коминтерн :Биографический словарь Коминтерна: Новое Пересмотренное и Расширенное издание]. New Revised and Expanded Edition Stanford, Calif. Hoover Institution Press 1986г. lv, 532c. Твердый переплет, увеличенный формат.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Trinity, Санкт-Петербург.) Цена: 35000 руб. Купить
To acquaint the users of the new edition with the original spirit and methodolgy of compiling the Biographical Dictionary, we have left intact the original Introduction and the Guide to Abbreviations. Much else has been changed, added, or cut out in the remaining parts of the volume: the list of biographies, the list of pseudonyms, and the text of individual biographies themselves. To express in figures the scope of change: 35 completely new biographies have been written, escalating the total number of biographies from 718 to 753; whereas the original edition identified 358 pseudonyms, that numer is now 435; and, in 229 biographies that appeared in the first edition, several corrective or additional facts have been supplied.
Состояние: очень хорошее

Leder, Mary M., Bernstein, Laurie, Weinberg, Robert [Мэри Ледер ] . My Life in Stalinist Russia: An American Woman Looks Back [Моя жизнь в Сталинской России: Взгляд американки в прошлое] . US Indiana University Press 2002г. 344c. обложка, Увеличенный формат.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Trinity, Санкт-Петербург.) Цена: 1000 руб. Купить
Mary Mackler Leder was by no means a significant figure in Stalinist Russia, but readers will find that she writes an arresting observers account of life in Russia over more than two decades. Sovietologists of the Stalinist era will find interesting anecdotes about Soviet life that confirm, revise, and in some cases authenticate the constructed sociology of the time. One example that constantly reappears is Leders insistence on stating that she is an American, while the authorities both high and low, all across the Soviet Union, simply classify her as Jewish, with all the usual and stereotypical ramifications of that view. Two particular periods of the account are noteworthy?those about the purges in the 1930s and the war years, during which time her baby daughter died. Perhaps most remarkable is Leders ability to recall her past with exquisite detail and precision so many years beyond the events. Upper-division undergraduates and above.January 2002
Состояние: очень хорошее

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