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Kraszewski Jozef Ignacy. Kordecki. Powiesc historyczna. Warszawa. Instytut Wydawniczy Pax. 1984г. 319 c. Обложка, Обычный формат.
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(41 кн. Сортировка: по дате поступления, по алфавиту)

Keller Gottfried. Die drei gerechten Kammacher. Milano. La Spiga. 1991г. 81 с. Обложка, Обычный формат.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Pragmatic, Москва.) Цена: 300 руб. Купить
Готфрид Келлер «Три праведных гребенщика». Для чтения на немецком языке со вспомогательным словарем на каждом развороте.
Состояние: Отличное (новая).

Dr. Zannetos Tofallis. Greek in Three Months. Simplified Language Course. London. Hugos Labguage Books Ltd. 1984г. 185 с. Обложка, Обычный формат.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Pragmatic, Москва.) Цена: 800 руб. Купить
``Греческий за три месяца`` - это интенсивный курс для начинающих изучать греческий язык. Книга поможет в сжатые сроки овладеть основами греческой грамматики и приобрести лексический запас, необходимый для общения. Пособие снабжено ключами к упражнениям и англо-греческим словарем. Для широкого круга лиц, приступающих к изучению греческого языка.
Состояние: Хорошее.

Сказки братьев Гримм. Grimms Marchen. На немецком и русском языках. Сост. Н.Н.Федорова. М. Радуга. 1993г. 96 с., ил. Обложка, Увеличенный формат.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Pragmatic, Москва.) Цена: 300 руб. Купить
Двуязычное издание сказок братьев Гримм включает сказки: Храбрый портняжка. Госпожа Метелица. Бременские уличные музыканты. Сладкая каша. Гусятница. Синяя свечка. Стоптанные туфельки. Шестеро слуг. Семь воронов.
Состояние: Отличное.

Huddeleston John. The Search for a Just Society. Oxford. George Ronald. 1989г. 508 c. Твердый переплет, в суперобложке, Увеличенный формат.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Pragmatic, Москва.) Цена: 3000 руб. Купить
Книга с а в т о г р а ф о м автора. This fascinating book, packed with information, tells the story of that common cultural heritage and describes the provisions in place today and the options facing mankind in the 1990s. The Search for a Just Society demonstrates in suggestive rather than exhaustive detail that despite the global wars of the twentieth century, humankind is objectively moving towards a more just society. The book reviews the critical but quiet roles of ethics and religion in this progress and cogently argues for the need for a comprehensive philosophy to guide humankind in the future. Using language familiar to historians, economists, and political scientists, The Search offers the Bah?’i Faith as such a comprehensive perspective - one that applies sound spiritual approaches to the real problems confronting humankind. Even the most cynical reader will be hard pressed to avoid the conclusion that the Bah?T Faith offers a (if not the only) healthy and pragmatic prescription for building a just society.
Состояние: Отличное.

Kenneth E. Berling. Road to Purpose. USA. Blackhawk Press. 2004г. 266 c. Твердый переплет, в суперобложке, Увеличенный формат.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Pragmatic, Москва.) Цена: 2500 руб. Купить
Книга с а в т о г р а ф о м автора. Ken Behring was the man who had everything and who lived the American Dream. He went from Depression poverty in rural Wisconsin to the Forbes 400 list of richest Americans. He owned mansions, hundreds of classic cars, a jet plane and his own football team. But something was missing. Join Behring on his journey of discovery, his travels on his road to purpose, from poor hospitals in Africa and Eastern Europe to the battlefields of Afghanistan. Learn how the gift of a simple wheelchair not only transformed the lives of their recipients, but also his life - and how it could transform yours. Kenneth E. Behring is a successful businessman, investor and philanthropist. Growing up poor in Wisconsin, he first earned money delivering newspapers, cutting lawns, caddying and, as a teenager, working in a lumberyard and in a retail store. After high school, he sold used cars and eventually opened his own new and used car dealerships. He was a millionaire at age 27. He moved to Florida and began a second career as a real estate developer. He founded and built Tamarac, Florida, and later moved to California, where he developed Blackhawk, one of the most exclusive residential communities in the U.S. He was also majority owner of the Seattle Seahawks from 1988 to 1997. After his success in business, he turned to philanthropic ventures. Among his charitable activities is the Wheelchair Foundation, which distributes wheelchairs in the U.S. and developing countries around the world. He and his wife, Pat, live in Blackhawk and have five children.
Состояние: Отличное.

Gordimer Nadine. Beethoven Was One-Sixteenth Black and Other Stories. На английском языке. London. Bloomsbury. 2007г. 183 с. Твердый переплет, в суперобложке, Обычный формат.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Pragmatic, Москва.) Цена: 600 руб. Купить
Nadine Gordimer is winner the 1991 Nobel Prize in Literature. `Youre not responsible for your ancestry, are you... But if thats so, why have marched under banned slogans, got yourself beaten up by the police, arrested a couple of times; plastered walls with subversive posters . . . The past is valid only in relation to whether the present recognizes it.` In this collection of new stories, Beethoven Was One-Sixteenth Black, Nadine Gordimer crosses the frontiers of politics, memory, sexuality, and love with the fearless insight that is the hallmark of her writing. In the title story a middle-aged academic who had been an anti-apartheid activist embarks on an unadmitted pursuit of the possibilities for his own racial identity in his great-grandfathers fortune-hunting interlude of living rough on diamond diggings in South Africa, his young wife far away in London. `Dreaming of the Dead` conjures up a lunch in a New York Chinese restaurant where Susan Sontag and Edward Said return in surprising new avatars as guests in the dream of a loving friend. The historian in `History` is a parrot who confronts people with the scandalizing voice reproduction of quarrels and clandestine love-talk on which it has eavesdropped.`Alternative Endings` considers the way writers make arbitrary choices in how to end stories—and offers three, each relating the same situation, but with a different resolution, arrived at by the three senses: sight, sound, and smell.
Состояние: Почти отличное. На титуле печать литературного агентства.

Powell Anthony. A dance to the music of time: Spring (1st movement). На английском языке. London. Arrow Books. 2000г. 728 с. Обложка, Обычный формат.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Pragmatic, Москва.) Цена: 800 руб. Купить
Anthony Dymoke Powell CH, CBE was an English novelist best known for his twelve-volume work A Dance to the Music of Time, published between 1951 and 1975. Powells major work has remained in print continuously and has been the subject of TV and radio dramatisations. In 2008, The Times newspaper named Powell among their list of `The 50 greatest British writers since 1945`.This is the first book of his epic work (1st movement, Spring) inckuding three novels: A question of upbringing; A buyers market; The acceptance world. Anthony Powells universally acclaimed epic encompasses a four-volume panorama of twentieth century London. Hailed by Time as `brilliant literary comedy as well as a brilliant sketch of the times,` A Dance to the Music of Time opens just after World War I. Amid the fever of the 1920s and the first chill of the 1930s, Nick Jenkins and his friends confront sex, society, business, and art. In the second volume they move to London in a whirl of marriage and adulteries, fashions and frivolities, personal triumphs and failures. These books `provide an unsurpassed picture, at once gay and melancholy, of social and artistic life in Britain between the wars` (Arthur Schlesinger, Jr.). The third volume follows Nick into army life and evokes London during the blitz. In the climactic final volume, England has won the war and must now count the losses. Four very different young men on the threshold of manhood dominate this opening volume of A Dance to the Music of Time. The narrator, Jenkins—a budding writer—shares a room with Templer, already a passionate womanizer, and Stringham, aristocratic and reckless. Widermerpool, as hopelessly awkward as he is intensely ambitious, lurks on the periphery of their world. Amid the fever of the 1920s and the first chill of the 1930s, these four gain their initiations into sex, society, business, and art. Considered a masterpiece of modern fiction, Powells epic creates a rich panorama of life in England between the wars.
Состояние: Почти отличное. На титуле печать литературного агентства.

Hobson Charlotte. Black Earth City: A year in the heart of Russia. На английском языке. London. Granta Books. 2001г. 243 с. Обложка, Обычный формат.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Pragmatic, Москва.) Цена: 600 руб. Купить
Charlotte Hobson could have gone to Moscow. Studying Russian at Edinburgh University in 1991, she was presented with two options for her year abroad. Head to the country’s bustling, cosmopolitan capital or spend the year in Voronezh, a remote provincial city in Russia’s “potato belt”. Hobson wanted the real Russia: she plumped for Voronezh. Published ten years later in 2001, Black Earth City is the memoir of her time there. It was a remarkable period in Russian history. In September 1991, the Soviet Union is collapsing and people conquer uncertainty, hunger, and negative-twenty degree temperatures by drinking too much vodka and reveling in their new-found sexual freedom. Charlotte Hobson is our irresistible guide to this tumultuous time. We meet Yakov, who blows half-a-million rubles on a taxi to see a girl in Minsk; Lola, who sleeps with her peers for a share of their dinner; Viktor, who struggles to forget his brutal memories of military service; and Mitya, Hobson’s wild and optimistic lover, whose gradual disillusion and dissolution mirror his country’s lurch from euphoria to despair.
Состояние: Отличное.

Myklusch Matt. Jack Blank and the Imagine Nation. На английском языке. New York. Aladdin. 2010г. 470 c. Твердый переплет, в суперобложке, Увеличенный формат.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Pragmatic, Москва.) Цена: 500 руб. Купить
Twelve-year-old Jack Blank doesnt know who he is or where he comes from. He doesnt even know his real last name. All Jack knows is his bleak, dreary life at St. Barnabys Home for the Hopeless, Abandoned, Forgotten, and Lost. Everything changes one morning when Jack receives two visitors. The first is a deadly robot, straight out of one of Jacks favorite comic books, that tries to blow him up. The second is an emissary from a secret country called the Imagine Nation, where all the fantastic and unbelievable things in our world originate-including Jack. Jack soon discovers that he has an amazing ability-one that could make him the savior of the Imagine Nation and the world beyond, or the biggest threat theyve ever faced. Matt Mykluschs debut novel is bursting with robot-zombies, warriors, superheroes, ninjas, and all the action, adventure, thrills, and humor they bring.
Состояние: Почти отличное.

Wright Jim, Former Speaker of the House of Representatives. Worth It All: My War For Peace. На английском языке. New York. Brasseys. 1993г. 322 c. Твердый переплет, в суперобложке, Энциклопедический формат.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Pragmatic, Москва.) Цена: 1800 руб. Купить
Книга с а в т о г р а ф о м автора. Texas Democrat Jim Wright served with distinction in the US House of Representatives for three decades from 1954 to 1989, rising through various leadership positions to become Speaker of the House. He served as Speaker of the House in the late 1980s, but was forced to retire due to a political corruption scandal. In his book Wright describes how he led the fight in Congress against Reagan and Bushs Central American policies and negotiated directly with Sandinistas and other Central American leaders. At a time when the Iran-contra issue pitted Congress against the Reagan administration, Wright was the dominant player on Capitol Hill, meeting with Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega and the various contra leaders to lay a foundation for peace. Though in August 1987 the Reagan administration unveiled a Central American Peace Plan that Wright had drafted, he had overstepped the bounds in other areas and was found by a panel of peers to have flouted ethical standards. He thus became the first Speaker ever to resign mid-term. Wright provides an apologia for the events that ended his political career (he blames right-wing ideologues) and an appendix with `historically important personal documents` that support his case. While self-serving, this book does offer another perspective on the Iran-contra events.
Состояние: Отличное.

Kerr Philip. Berlin Noir: March Violets / The Pale Criminal / A German Requiem. На английском языке. London. Penguin Books. 1993г. 836 c. Обложка, Обычный формат.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Pragmatic, Москва.) Цена: 800 руб. Купить
Now published in one paperback volume, these three mysteries are exciting and insightful looks at life inside Nazi Germany - richer and more readable than most histories of the period. Bernard Gunther is a former soldier (he fought with the Wehrmacht on the Turkish Front in the first World War) and an ex-cop (an inspector for the Kriminalpolizei) now working as a private eye in the pre-World War II years of Berlin, specializing in the missing persons. Due to the rise of National Socialism, business is coming along nicely, thank you, even if Bernie doesnt seem to be making many friends with the powers that be. These books offer a harsh look at and a hard criticism of Nazism. We first meet ex-policeman Bernie Gunther in 1936, in March Violets (a term of derision which original Nazis used to describe late converts.) The Olympic Games are about to start; some of Bernies Jewish friends are beginning to realize that they should have left while they could; and Gunther himself has been hired to look into two murders that reach high into the Nazi Party. In The Pale Criminal, its 1938, and Gunther has been blackmailed into rejoining the police by Heydrich himself. And in A German Requiem, the saddest and most disturbing of the three books, its 1947 as Gunther stumbles across a nightmare landscape that conceals even more death than he imagines. (For a review of Kerrs latest novel, The Grid, see our Thrillers section.)
Состояние: Почти отличное-очень хорошее. На титуле печать литературного агентства.

Myklusch Matt. The Accidental Hero. На английском языке. New York. Aladdin. 2011г. 485 с. Обложка, Обычный формат.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Pragmatic, Москва.) Цена: 400 руб. Купить
All Jack Blank knows is his bleak, dreary life at St. Barnaby’s Home for the Hopeless, Abandoned, Forgotten, and Lost, an orphanage that sinks further into the swampland of New Jersey with each passing year. His aptitude tests predict that he will spend a long, unhappy career as a toilet brush cleaner. His only chance at escape comes through the comic books donated years ago to the orphanage that he secretly reads in the dark corners of the library. Everything changes one icy gray morning when Jack receives two visitors that alter his life forever. The first is a deadly robot straight out of one of his comic books that tries its best to blow him up. The second is an emissary from a secret country called the Imagine Nation, an astonishing place where all the fantastic and unbelievable things in our world originate — including Jack. Jack soon discovers that he has an amazing ability — one that could make him the savior of the Imagine Nation and the world beyond, or the biggest threat theyve ever faced.
Состояние: Почти отличное.

Keating H.R.F. Inspector Ghote Breaks an Egg. На английском языке. Penguin Books. 2011г. 244 c. Обложка, Обычный формат.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Pragmatic, Москва.) Цена: 400 руб. Купить
In a small, provincial town in the heart of India, a politicians wife has done her husbands career a great service, by dying under suspicious circumstances. That the corpse and the trail have been cold for fifteen years hasnt saved Inspector Ghote of the Bombay CID from being sent to investigate. But what chance does he have when his chief suspect is so powerful, when the whole district is against him, and when a holy man is fasting to the death to protest his prying? But still the good inspector dutifully goes, carrying just the honour of his police force and a box of double-sized eggs.
Состояние: Почти отличное. На титуле печать литературного агентства.

McCloskey Molly. Protection. На английском языке. Dublin. Penguin Ireland. 2005г. 305 c. Обложка, Увеличенный формат.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Pragmatic, Москва.) Цена: 800 руб. Купить
The first novel by Molly McCloskey author of two acclaimed short-story collections tells the story of a family in present-day Dublin: Gillian has achieved success and a degree of fame as the founder of a self-help retreat for high-achievers who want to decelerate. Her husband, Damien, is the public face of a new heritage village that attempts to re-create 1950s Ireland. Their teenage daughter, Heather, dyes her face blue and is addicted to the Dystopia Channel. She is the least of their problems. When Gillians beloved aunt Grace, who raised her following the sudden death of both her parents, succumbs to Alzheimers, Gillian feels dismayingly cut off from her past. In grief and confusion, she starts taking an experimental drug that is believed to sharpen memory - with unexpected results. Meanwhile, Damiens village becomes a magnet for media ridicule. As he tries to defend himself and his work, he wonders if his increasingly remote wife is on his side. He knows that Gillian had a brief affair a few years ago with a former workmate. He doesnt know that she has just re-established contact with him... Its a book about memory and loss, modernity and love; or, as the agent put it, Anne Tyler meets Jonathan Franzen. At once richly comic, socially observant, and deeply moving, Protection is a thrilling novel about love, loss, memory and forgiveness among ordinary people in a place - contemporary Ireland - that is stranger than they know.
Состояние: Отличное. На титуле печать литературного агентства.

Gardiner Meg. The Liars Lullaby. На английском языке. London. Blue Door. 2010г. 357 c. Обложка, Увеличенный формат.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Pragmatic, Москва.) Цена: 700 руб. Купить
Edgar Award winner Meg Gardiner returns with a third propulsive, groundbreaking thriller about forensic psychiatrist Jo Beckett and the lies that are even more dangerous than fame. Tasia McFarland is a washed-up country-pop singer desperate for the break that will get her topping the charts again. The tabloids have raked over every part of Tasias rocky life, following every high and low, her addictions, her breakdowns, her increasingly erratic behavior-and every broken relationship. The highlight of this lowlight reel: her failed marriage to an ambitious Army officer whose political talents earned him a spot in the nations highest office. Tasia McFarland is the ex-wife of the President of the United States. So when Tasia writes a song with politically-charged lyrics, people take note and her star begins to rise anew. In the spectacle-driven opener of her comeback tour, she is lowered into a stadium on a zip line and as helicopters fly overhead she fires her prop Colt 45 at the fireworks-filled stage. Tasia is riding high. Until shes killed by a bullet to the neck, before the shocked crowd of 40,000. When video cant prove that the shot came from Tasias own Colt .45 and the ballistics report comes up empty, the authorities call on forensic psychiatrist Jo Beckett to do a psychological autopsy and clean up the potential political disaster. But as Jo sifts through the facts, she only finds more questions. Was Tasias gun loaded? Did she kill herself in one last cry for attention? Were her politically-charged lyrics the rantings of a paranoid woman losing her grip? Or warnings from a woman afraid and in danger? For Jo, pouring over Tasias past quickly becomes a race to extinguish the conspiracy rumor mill before it incites a level of violence that reaches Americas highest corridors of power-and tears apart the very fabric of our nation.
Состояние: Отличное. На титуле печать литературного агентства.

Capuzzo Michael. The Murder Room: The Heirs of Sherlock Holmes Gather to Solve the Worlds Most Perplexing Cold Cases. На английском языке. New York. Gotham Books. 2010г. 439 c., ил. Твердый переплет, в суперобложке, Увеличенный формат.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Pragmatic, Москва.) Цена: 600 руб. Купить
Thrilling, true tales from the Vidocq Society, a team of the worlds finest forensic investigators whose monthly gourmet lunches lead to justice in ice-cold murders. Three of the greatest detectives in the world--a renowned FBI agent turned private eye, a sculptor and lothario who speaks to the dead, and an eccentric profiler known as the living Sherlock Holmes-were heartsick over the growing tide of unsolved murders. Good friends and sometime rivals William Fleisher, Frank Bender, and Richard Walter decided one day over lunch that something had to be done, and pledged themselves to a grand quest for justice. The three men invited the greatest collection of forensic investigators ever assembled, drawn from five continents, to the Downtown Club in Philadelphia to begin an audacious quest: to bring the coldest killers in the world to an accounting. Named for the first modern detective, the Parisian eug?ne Fran?ois Vidocq - the flamboyant Napoleonic real-life sleuth who inspired Sherlock Holmes - the Vidocq Society meets monthly in its secretive chambers to solve a cold murder over a gourmet lunch. The Murder Room draws the reader into a chilling, darkly humorous, awe-inspiring world as the three partners travel far from their Victorian dining room to hunt the ruthless killers of a millionaires son, a serial killer who carves off faces, and a child killer enjoying fifty years of freedom and dark fantasy. Acclaimed bestselling author Michael Capuzzos brilliant storytelling brings true crime to life more realistically and vividly than it has ever been portrayed before. It is a world of dazzlingly bright forensic science; true evil as old as the Bible and dark as the pages of Dostoevsky; and a group of flawed, passionate men and women, inspired by their own wounded hearts to make a stand for truth, goodness, and justice in a world gone mad.
Состояние: Очень хорошее, блок - отличное.

Burdett John. Vulture Peak. На английском языке. New York. Alfred A. Knopf 2012г. 291 c. Твердый переплет, в суперобложке, Энциклопедический формат.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Pragmatic, Москва.) Цена: 600 руб. Купить
Nobody knows Bangkok like Royal Thai Police Detective Sonchai Jitpleecheep, and there is no one quite like Sonchai: a police officer who has kept his Buddhist soul intact—more or less—despite the fact that his job shoves him face-to-face with some of the most vile and outrageous crimes and criminals in Bangkok. But for his newest assignment, everything he knows about his city—and himself—will be a mere starting point. He’s put in charge of the highest-profile criminal case in Thailand—an attempt to bring an end to trafficking in human organs. He sets in motion a massive sting operation and stays at its center, traveling to Phuket, Hong Kong, Dubai, Shanghai, and Monte Carlo. He draws in a host of unwitting players that includes an aging rock star wearing out his second liver and the mysterious, diabolical, albeit gorgeous co-queenpins of the international body-parts trade: the Chinese twins known as the Vultures. And yet, it’s closer to home that Sonchai will discover things getting really dicey: rumors will reach him suggesting that his ex-prostitute wife, Chanya, is having an affair. Will Sonchai be enlightened enough—forget Buddha, think jealous husband—to cope with his very own compromised and compromising world? All will be revealed here, in John Burdett’s most mordantly funny, propulsive, fiendishly entertaining novel yet.
Состояние: Почти отличное.

Barclay Alex. Time Of Death. На английском языке. Great Britain. HarperCollins. 2010г. 346 c. Обложка, Обычный формат.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Pragmatic, Москва.) Цена: 500 руб. Купить
FBI agent Ren Bryces hunt for some of the country’s most dangerous killers is about to turn into a nightmare. There is unfinished business between Ren and those she is pursuing, and soon she is forced to confront both personal and professional traumas. Then someone close to Ren is murdered and secrets from her past look set to be revealed, throwing her into a world of fear, paranoia and danger. Dark forces are at work and someone is determined to destroy Ren’s life. But time is running out and Ren must catch a killer before he catches her…
Состояние: Отличное. На титуле отметка литературного агентства.

Hosp David. Next of Kin. На английском языке. London. Macmillan. 2011г. 374 с. Обложка, Обычный формат.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Pragmatic, Москва.) Цена: 600 руб. Купить
When Boston attorney Scott Finn agrees to defend Kevin McDougal, reprobate son of notorious mobster Eaman McDougal, he knows hes putting his reputation on the line but hes hoping for even bigger fish to fry and this could be a way of reeling them in. In a city where mob crime once ruled, a core of corruption, greed, lies and deceit lingers and it seems that there are those at the top and in power who will stop at nothing to achieve what they want. BPD Detective Zachary Long, who has problems of his own, is called to a murder scene, and when the victim is identified, it brings Finn to a place he thought hed never have to visit. With the help of his young charge, Sally Malley, colleague ex detective Kos Kozlowski and fellow attorney Lissa Krantz, he knows he has to find the truth. In his search for the answers, he uncovers a trail of murder, betrayal and revenge borne about by someone who could never forgive or forget.
Состояние: Отличное.

Asplin Richard. Gagged: (a thriller with jokes). На английском языке. London. Arrow Books. 2004г. 576 с. Обложка, Обычный формат.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Pragmatic, Москва.) Цена: 700 руб. Купить
Don Silver, the Vice President of Comedy at Mercury Studios, is in very deep trouble indeed. Hes been behind so many disastrous pilots that hes earned the nickname Buddy Holly. If he doesnt find a hit sitcom - and fast - itll be goodbye to the bourbon, broads and BMWs of his Beverly Hills lifestyle and hell be out on his (freshly irrigated) arse.Award-winning comedy writer, Melvin Medford, has a plan to help Don out. So hes nerdier than Bill Gates in a Red Dwarf T-shirt at a Terry Pratchett signing; so he hasnt pitched an idea in ages; so his plan borders on the psychotic, no matter, at least he has a plan...Which is where Ben Busby comes in. A young British comic, simply gagging to break into television, hes just met two Americans who seem very keen on hiring him. Bens beside himself with excitement.However, Melvins beside him with a gun...In the million-dollar world of the American sitcom, you could die laughing. No joke.
Состояние: Отличное. На титуле печать литературного агентства.

Lawrence Caroline. The Case of the Good-Looking Corpse. The P.K Pinkerton Mysteries. На английском языке. Great Britain. Orion Childrens Books. 2012г. 313 с., ил. Твердый переплет, в суперобложке, Обычный формат.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Pragmatic, Москва.) Цена: 600 руб. Купить
P.K. Pinkerton is back in the second book of this whip-crackingly brilliant series set in Americas Wild West. The death of sadistic desperado Whittlin Walt has created an opening for Chief of the Comstock Desperados. Several young gunfighters are battling it out in the saloons and streets of Virginia City, and against this backdrop of gunmen, gamblers and cowboys, P.K. Pinkerton, Private Eye, is having trouble drumming up business. Nobody seems to take a 12-year-old detective seriously! Then a servant girl named Martha begs P.K. for help. She witnessed the murder of her mistress - a hurdy girl - and the killer knows it. Now he is after her. Martha gives P.K. a description of the killer and a cryptic clue, but then she disappears. Can P.K. solve the case and find Martha before the killer does?
Состояние: Отличное (новая).

Fisk Pauline. Mad Dog Moonlight. На английском языке. London. Bloomsbury. 2009г. 247 c. Обложка, Обычный формат.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Pragmatic, Москва.) Цена: 400 руб. Купить
Mad Dog Moonlights life is a mystery. Found wandering on a mountain road, a baby in his arms, he owns nothing but the name his mother gave him, and a silver-topped walking cane upon which is engraved a secret word. Desperate to unlock the mystery of who he really is, he sets off on an incredible adventure which leads him back into his past, and to the heart of a magic mountain with a secret of its own.
Состояние: Отличное. Печать на титуле.

Cross Neil. Captured. На английском языке. Simon & Schuster Ltd. 2010г. 256 c. Обложка, Увеличенный формат.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Pragmatic, Москва.) Цена: 600 руб. Купить
Even though he is still young, Kenny has just weeks to live. Before he dies, he wants to find his childhood best friend Callie Barton and thank her for the kindness she showed him when they were at school together. But when Kenny begins his search, he discovers that Callie Barton has gone missing. Although cleared of any involvement, her husband Jonathan seems to be hiding something. Kenny has no choice but to take matters into his own hands. And knowing that time is running out on him, hes prepared to do whatever it takes.
Состояние: Отличное. На титуле печать литературного агентства.

Lawrence Caroline. The case of the deadly desperados. The P.K Pinkerton Mysteries. На английском языке. Great Britain. Orion Childrens Books. 2011г. 274 с., ил. Твердый переплет, в суперобложке, Обычный формат.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Pragmatic, Москва.) Цена: 600 руб. Купить
The first book of P.K. Pinkerton and whip-crackingly brilliant series set in Americas Wild West. In 1862 Nevada Territory, after finding his foster parents murdered and scalped, twelve-year-old Pinky Pinkerton, son of a railroad detective and a Sioux Indian, inherits a valuable deed and must hide from dangerous Whittlin Walt and his gang of desperados. Virginia City in 1862 is a mining camp sitting above a rich vein of silver in Americas Wild West. Its a dangerous place, full of gamblers, hurdy girls and gunmen - all of them on the make! When twelve year-old P.K. Pinkerton arrives there, homeless, penniless and hunted, things dont look good. But P.K. soon finds allies in Sam Clemens, a newspaper reporter, Poker Face Jace, a gambler who can tell when someone is bluffing, and Ping, a Chinese photographers apprentice. With the help of these friends - and armed with a Smith & Wesson seven-shooter and a knack for disguises - P.K. takes on the tricksters and desperados and tries to become a detective. Fast, furious and funny - an utterly entertaining mystery adventure from an author who knows exactly how to grip and thrill her readers.
Состояние: Отличное (новая).

Ratner Austin. The Jump Artist. На английском языке. New York. Bellevue Literary Press. 2009г. 252 c. Обложка, Увеличенный формат.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Pragmatic, Москва.) Цена: 800 руб. Купить
Sami Rohr Prize for Jewish Literature. The extraordinary tale of a man who transforms himself from a victim of rampant anti-Semitism into a purveyor of the marvelous. “In The Jump Artist Austin Ratner gives life to a story both emblematic of the horror at the heart of the 20th century—the hunted Jew—and absolutely personal in its particulars—the extraordinary life of Philippe Halsman. Ratner’s great skill is to give us the panoramic political setting of the life, and at the same time the arresting details, the breathtaking sense of the lived experience. A terrific debut.” Anna Funder, author of Stasiland and All That I Am! In his debut novel, Austin ­Ratner re-creates the life of the Latvian-born American photographer Philippe Halsman, who made his name shooting Life magazine covers and, in the 1950s, a series of famous “jump” portraits featuring the likes of Salvador Dali, Marilyn Monroe and even the Duke of Duchess of Windsor all caught in mid-air. In this fictionalised account of Halsman’s life, Ratner attempts his own mid-air portrait, capturing the photographer not during his years of fame in America, but as he languished for four years, in his early twenties, in an Austrian jail, convicted (almost certainly wrongly) of his father’s murder as they walked in the Tyrol in 1928. The story begins in September 1928, when Halsman and his father were hiking in the Tyrolean Alps. While Halsman went ahead on the trail, his father was attacked and murdered. The Jewish 22 year old would be falsely accused of killing his father. The Jump Artist follows his life story from the murder and trial in Austria, into the depths of Halsmans despair in prison, to his rise in Paris and New York as one of the worlds most renowned photographers.
Состояние: Отличное. На титуле печать литературного агентства.

Lebensnahe Musikerziehung. Interessant Gemacht. На немецком языке. Berlin. Volk und Wissen Volkseigener Verlag. 1957г. 178 с. Обложка, Обычный формат.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Pragmatic, Москва.) Цена: 500 руб. Купить
Состояние: Почти отличное.

Kurt Thomas. Lehrbuch der Chorleitung. Band I, II. На немецком языке. Leipzig. Breitkopf & Haertel. 1952.-1957г. 163 с. +191 с. Обложка, Обычный формат.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Pragmatic, Москва.) Цена: 1500 руб. Купить
Учебник хорового дирижирования в 2-х частях.
Состояние: Почти отличное.

Steele Jonathan. Eternal Russia: Yeltsin, Gorbachev, and the Mirage of Democracy. London-Boston. faber and faber. 429 c. Обложка, Увеличенный формат.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Pragmatic, Москва.) Цена: 1300 руб. Купить
Книга с а в т о г р а ф о м автора. Book with authors autograph. Here is an eyewitness account of the six years of turbulent change from the Soviet Union to Russia. Jonathan Steeles three decades as a journalist covering that eternal nation have given him a keen and deeply informed perspective on the democratic revolution and the issues still threatening the new nation. What does the future hold for Russian democracy under Yeltsin? Can market reform work? Under all the news and confusion, how much has the country really changed? Eternal Russia draws on Steeles interviews with key figures, including Gorbachev and the former Communist Party Politburo, as well as senior members of the Yeltsin inner circle.
Состояние: Отличное.

The Soviet Union: A Biographical Dictionary. Edited by Archie Brown. London. Weidenfeld and Nicolson. 1990г. 489 с. Твердый переплет, в суперобложке, Увеличенный формат.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Pragmatic, Москва.) Цена: 1100 руб. Купить
1-st edition. Archie Brown is a British political scientist and historian. In 2005, he became an emeritus professor of politics at the University of Oxford. This urgently needed reference work contains 1400 biographies of Soviet notables (in politics, the military, and the arts) both living and dead, including most of the stars of the Gorbachev era. The authors include some of the leading Sovietologists in the United States and Great Britain, and their high level of writing makes this volume an interesting reading experience for general readers and an excellent reference source for students, researchers, and journalists. Entries on major figures like Lenin and Stalin are unopinionated to the point of being bland, but an obvious effort has been made toward scholarly objectivity. To offer the correct pronunciation of last names would have filled another urgent need, but, as it is, the volume should be a welcome addition to all academic and larger public collections. A more extensive but also more expensive work is A Biographical Dictionary of the Soviet Union 1917-1988.
Состояние: Отличное.

Staino Sergio. La guerra di Peter. Bologna. Coconino Press. 2004г. 64 с., ил. Обложка, Энциклопедический формат.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Pragmatic, Москва.) Цена: 1600 руб. Купить
Серджио Стайно - итальянский сатирик, художник, автор комиксов и популярный режиссер, родился в 1940 году, первый комикс Bobo был опубликован в 1979 году. С 2016 года - редактор газеты LUnit?. Книга-комикс на итальянском языке, с р и с у н к о м - а в т о г р а ф о м автора. Полноцветная печать.
Состояние: Отличное (новая).

Moss Helen. Adventure Island 2: The Mystery of the Midnight Ghost. Illustrated by Leo Hartas. UK. Orion Childrens Books. 2011г. 175 с. Обложка, Обычный формат.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Pragmatic, Москва.) Цена: 300 руб. Купить
Книга на английском языке. When Scott, Jack and Emily hear that a film is being made at the nearby manor house they cant resist going to watch. But when the glamorous star of the film vanishes the friends realize they have a new mystery to solve! Has the star been kidnapped by a crazed fan? Could she have run off with her boyfriend? Or did she venture into the manors attic at midnight and fall foul of the legendary ghost that haunts the old house? The second gripping mystery in this exciting new adventure series.
Состояние: Почти отличное.

Paul Graham Sharp. The Battle at the Moons of Hell. USA. Del Rey Books. 2007г. 376 с. Обложка, Уменьшенный формат.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Pragmatic, Москва.) Цена: 350 руб. Купить
Книга на английском языке. Helfort’s War: Book 1. The Hammer Worlds - the most brutal and oppressive interstellar government in the universe - have hijacked the Federated Worlds cruise ship Mumtaz, seizing its valuable terraforming cargo and damning its passengers to mining the moons of the prison planet known as Hell. For Junior Lieutenant Michael Helfort and the crew aboard deep space scout vessel 387, the mission is clear: infiltrate enemy territory, locate the Mumtaz, and rescue the prisoners. The odds are appalling, and the damage will probably be fatal, but victory is nonnegotiable - especially for Helfort, whose mother and sister were on the Mumtaz. And Michael Helfort will be damned if hell let his family rot on the moons of Hell.
Состояние: Отличное.

Backshall Steve. Ghosts of the Forest. UK. Orion Childrens Books. 2013г. 245 с. Твердый переплет, в суперобложке, Обычный формат.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Pragmatic, Москва.) Цена: 400 руб. Купить
Книга на английском языке. BAFTA Award winner Steve Backshall, travels to over a hundred countries to discover the secrets of the natural world and to learn about the most inspiring animals, from boxing mantis shrimp to charging tigers. Now Steve Backshall comes the second novel in The Falcon Chronicles series, Ghosts of the Forest. Catch up with Saker and Sinter as they reunite to save endangered orang utans in this vivid adventure story. Saker and Sinter have split up. Sinter is nursing in the shanties of Ho Chi Minh City. Saker is with the peace-loving Penan helping them protect the orangutans and save their own forest homes, as unscrupulous loggers wreak destruction. But they are being watched. And hunted. The Prophet has not forgiven their betrayal. Escaping the Clan takes Saker and Sinter on a deadly, dangerous journey through Vietnam, over the South China Sea back to Borneo. Deep in the jungle, theyre reunited on their most daredevil and audacious mission yet, to save the endangered orangutans before they become ghosts of the forest. Beware the wooden bullet. The Clan will take their revenge. Illustrated. Художественная литература для детей. Экшн и приключения.
Состояние: Отличное (новая).

Rudnicki Adolf. Zlote okna I dziewiec innych opowiadan. Warszawa. Panstwowy institut wydawniczy. 1974г. 312 c. Обложка, Обычный формат.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Pragmatic, Москва.) Цена: 300 руб. Купить
Книга на польском языке.
Состояние: Отличное.

Trifonow Jurij. Czas i miejsce. Warszawa. Czytelnik. 1985г. 360 c. Обложка, в суперобложке, Обычный формат.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Pragmatic, Москва.) Цена: 250 руб. Купить
Книга на польском языке.
Состояние: Хорошее.

Salmonowicz Stanislaw. Fryderyk II. Wroclaw. Ossolineum. 1985г. 255 c., ил. Обложка, Обычный формат.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Pragmatic, Москва.) Цена: 360 руб. Купить
Книга на польском языке.
Состояние: Отличное.

Kraszewski Jozef Ignacy. Pamietnik Mroczka. Warszawa. Ludowa Spoldzielnia Wydawnicza. 1984г. 170 c., ил. Обложка, Обычный формат.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Pragmatic, Москва.) Цена: 250 руб. Купить
Книга на польском языке.
Состояние: Отличное.

Kraszewski Jozef Ignacy. Kordecki. Powiesc historyczna. Warszawa. Instytut Wydawniczy Pax. 1984г. 319 c. Обложка, Обычный формат.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Pragmatic, Москва.) Цена: 350 руб. Купить
Книга на польском языке.
Состояние: Отличное.

Wyspianski Stanislaw. Noc listopadowa. Przewodindnik po Nocy listopadowej I opracowanie A.Lempicka. Krakow.-Wroclaw. Wydawnictwo literackie. 1984г. 287 c. Обложка, Обычный формат.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Pragmatic, Москва.) Цена: 330 руб. Купить
Книга на польском языке.
Состояние: Отличное (новая).

Zelenski (Boy) Tadeusz. Reflektorem w mrok. Wybor publicystyki. Wybor, wstep I opracowanie A.Z.Makowieckiego. Warszawa. Panstwowy institut wydawniczy. 1984г. 653 c. Обложка, Обычный формат.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Pragmatic, Москва.) Цена: 400 руб. Купить
Книга на польском языке.
Состояние: Почти отличное.

Гость из страны фантастики. Книга для чтения с комментариями на английском языке и словарем. М. Русский язык. 1981г. 176 с. Обложка, Обычный формат.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - Pragmatic, Москва.) Цена: 150 руб. Купить
С о д е р ж а н и е: Александр и Сергей Абрамовы. Принц из седьмой формации; Илья Варшавский. В атолле. Утка в сметане. Новое о Шерлоке Холмсе. Дневник; Виктор Колупаев. Газетный киоск. Билет в детство. Девочка; Кир Булычев. Ответное чувство. Поделись со мной.
Состояние: Почти отличное-очень хорошее.

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