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Shakespeare, William/ Bowdler. Thomas The Family Shakespeare . In Which Nothing is Added to the Original Text, But Those Words and Expressions are Omitted Which Cannot with Propriety be Read Aloud in a Family. Sixth Edition. Longman, Green, Longman, & Roberts, Fifth Printing 1861г. 910 с.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - englishbooks, Санкт-Петербург.) Цена: 7000 руб. Купить
Basically, the author or really the editor Thomas Bowdler (1754-1825) went through all 36 recognized plays by William Shakespeare and cut out all the dirty or scary parts, so as to make it suitable to be read to children. The book was enormously successful at first, going through several printings. However, eventually, the book was subjected to calumny and ridicule, precisely because it cut out all the scary or controversial parts. Bowdlers name has since became associated with censorship of literature, motion pictures and television programs. For example, in the opening scene of Othello is the following line: `I am one Sir, that come to tell you, your Daughter, and the Moore, are now making the Beast with two backs`. Bowdler re-write this line to say: `I am one that comes to tell you your daughter and the Moor are now together.`  Actually, this change was not so bad. One wonders what the fuss was all about. Indeed most of the editorial changes by Thomas Bowdler were not so radical as has been commonly supposed. In many ways, they improve upon the work of Shakespeare by making his words easier to understand by the modern reader. Bowdler has certainly been treated unfairly by history. No publication or performance of a play by Shakespeare follows the original script exactly, for the simple reason that the language has evolved and modern audiences would not understand it. Thus there have been many editorial changes to Shakespeare. It is just that these modern editors do not put their names on the cover and announce what they have done.
Состояние: Состояние блока хорошее, золотой обрез. Издательский переплет с конгревным тиснением.  Состояние  обложки удовлетворительное, но корешок отсутствует и переплетные крышки отстают от блока. Могу прислать фото

William Shakespeare. Все пьесы Шекспира. Longman, Green, Longman, & Roberts, Fifth Printing 1861г. 910 с.
(До заказа внимательно прочтите описание продавца BS - englishbooks, Санкт-Петербург.) Цена: 7000 руб. Купить
Надпись на титульном листе: The Family Shakespeare in One Volume. In Which Nothing is Added to the Original Text, But Those Wordsand Expressions are Omitted Which Cannot with propriety be read aloud in a Family . Basically, the author or really the editor Thomas Bowdler (1754-1825) went through all 36 recognized plays by William Shakespeare and cut out all the dirty or scary parts, so as to make it suitable to be read to children. The book was enormously successful at first, going through several printings. However, eventually, the book was subjected to calumny and ridicule, precisely because it cut out all the scary or controversial parts. Bowdlers name has since became associated with censorship of literature, motion pictures and television programs. For example, in the opening scene of Othello is the following line: `I am one Sir, that come to tell you, your Daughter, and the Moore, are now making the Beast with two backs`. Bowdler re-write this line to say: `I am one that comes to tell you your daughter and the Moor are now together.` Actually, this change was not so bad. One wonders what the fuss was all about. Indeed most of the editorial changes by Thomas Bowdler were not so radical as has been commonly supposed. In many ways, they improve upon the work of Shakespeare by making his words easier to understand by the modern reader. Bowdler has certainly been treated unfairly by history. No publication or performance of a play by Shakespeare follows the original script exactly, for the simple reason that the language has evolved and modern audiences would not understand it. Thus there have been many editorial changes to Shakespeare. It is just that these modern editors do not put their names on the cover and announce what they have done.
Состояние: Состояние блока хорошее, золотой обрез. Издательский переплет с конгревным тиснением. Состояние обложки удовлетворительное, но корешок отсутствует и переплетные крышки отстают от блока. Могу прислать фото

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